Wir dürfen unsere Kunden und Partner seit über 40 Jahren im Bereich der technischen Gebäudeausrüstung begleiten.
Vom ersten Entwurf bis zur Übergabe an die ausführenden Firmen planen und beraten wir in unseren Spezialgebieten Löschanlagen- und Sanitärtechnik.
National und international arbeiten wir gemeinsam an den spannendsten und innovativsten Bauprojekten wie Halbleiter- und Batteriefabriken, Datencentern, Autoindustrie sowie Wohn- und Bürokomplexen.
In der Konstruktion/Modellierung suchen wir ab sofort einen technischen Systemplaner:in (all genders) für die Bereiche Sanitär + Sprinkler.We have been supporting our customers and partners in the field of technical building services for over 40 years.
From the first draft to handover to the contractors, we plan and advise in our specialist areas of extinguishing systems and sanitary engineering.
Nationally and internationally, we work together on the most exciting and innovative construction projects such as semiconductor and battery factories, data centers, the automotive industry as well as residential and office complexes.
We are currently looking for a technical system planner in the design/modeling department for the areas of sanitary + sprinklers.
Your tasks
You will work on projects in the preliminary, basic and detail design phases.
You will create 3D models and their 2D derivations, 2D plans as well as schematics, isometrics and details
Data exchange
Data exchange with Autodesk Construction Cloud, Sharepoint, local and customer-specific.
Quantity takeoff
As part of a team, you determine all the necessary information for tenders packages.
You coordinate our design with other trades.
As part of the team, you will further develop our BIM standards, templates, workflows and families.