Where would you like to shape the success of your future career: At a worldwide leading manufacturer of process measuring and control technology? In a family- owned company that values its more than 3,700 employees in more than 30 countries and sees them all as individuals? In a team that breaks new ground with courage and passion? Did you answer „Yes“ three times? Then it is time for us to make your acquaintance. RESPONSIBILITIES: Maintaining the master data for cost accounting purposes (cost centres, cost types, internal orders). Carrying out monthly and annual accounts in CO (e.g. posting shares of the costs, cost allocations, deferrals, etc.). Account assignment of incoming invoices and requisition notes so as to provide data of the required quality in a timely manner. Creating and distributing regular and sporadic evaluations to provide basic data for corporate management. REQUIREMENTS: Kaufmännische Ausbildung, idealerweise mit Weiterbildung zum Bertriebswirt oder vergleichbar sowie mehrjährige Berufserfahrung Ausgeprägte Kenntnisse der Controllingfunktionen Tiefes Verständnis der Sales Prozesse sowie sehr gute operative Kenntnisse in SAP SD Eigenverantwortliche Arbeitsweise mit ausgeprägter Hands-on-Mentalität Kommunikationsstarker Teamplayer mit hoher Lösungs- und Kundenorientierung sowie Belastbarkeit Verhandlungssichere Deutschkenntnisse sowie gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift In return, we offer you exciting and challenging responsibilities, diverse perspectives with a high degree of individual freedom and a corporate culture that encourages you to use it. Curious? Then we look forward to receiving your application.