A Postdoctoral Research Position in Molecular/Developmental Neuroscience
is available in the MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR ANATOMY LAB at Ulm University
Our lab is dedicated to the identification and characterization of the molecular regulatory networks that underly neural development. Core research of our lab focuses on the role of Bcl11 transcription factors in cortical development (Okuyama et al., Nature Immunology 2024, Koumoundourou et al., Elife 2024, Wiegreffe et al., EMBO Rep 2022, Simon et al., Front. Mol Neurosci. 2020, Wiegreffe et al., Neuron 2015). Based on longstanding research experience we rely on the experimental power of mammalian genetic models to understand neural development. How neurons know when to leave, where to go, how to survive, how to wire to others, how to make cell fate decisions and how to maintain cell identity within mature neural networks are among the key questions that constantly fascinate us and that drive research of our lab.
Please refer to our website (https://moca-lab) for further information.
We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral candidate with a strong interest in the molecular mechanisms of brain development, and neurodevelopmental disorders. The ideal candidate (f/m/d) will be self-motivated and have strong experimental background in molecular, biochemical, cellular, and histological analyses of cell culture and animal models.
Please send a summary of previous research, curriculum vitae, and contact information for two references to: stefan.britsch@uni-ulm.
Prof. Dr. Stefan Britsch
MOCA-Lab / Institute of Molecular and Cellular Anatomy
Ulm University
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89077 Ulm Germany
+49 731 50 23101
Die Einstellung erfolgt über die Verwaltung des Klinikums im Auftrag des Landes Baden-Württemberg. Personen mit Schwerbehinderung werden bei gleicher Eignung vorrangig eingestellt. Das Universitätsklinikum Ulm strebt die Erhöhung des Frauenanteils in den Bereichen an, in denen Sie unterrepräsentiert sind. Entsprechend qualifizierte Frauen werden um ihre Bewerbung gebeten. Vollzeitstellen sind grundsätzlich teilbar. Eine an die Befristung anschließende Weiterbeschäftigung ist möglich.