ANGESTELLTE/R (MATERIALVERWALTUNG)(M/W/D) Garmisch, Germany Ausschreibungsbereich WER DARF SICH BEWERBEN? / WHO MAY APPLY? INNERBETRIEBLICHE Arbeitnehmer in Deutschland. Dies umfasst alle ortsansässigen Beschäftigten der US Streitkräfte, einschließlich Air Force und AAFES-Europe, innerhalb Deutschlands. Current INTERNAL Local National Employees throughout Germany. This covers all current Local National employees of the U.S. Forces in Germany, including U.S. Air Force and AAFES-Europe within Germany. UND/AND AUSSERBETRIEBLICHE Bewerber, die in Deutschland wohnhaft sind. EXTERNAL Local National Applicants, who reside in Germany. Hauptaufgaben Works under the general supervision of the C/BOI Division, who provides broad policy and program guidance. Complex or precedent-setting problems are referred to the Division Chief with suggested solutions. The incumbent independently plans and carries out the routine day-to-day operations and exercises responsibility for managing review functions for the DPW. Work is reviewed in terms of success and mission accomplishment, program effectiveness, and overall efficiency. As a supply technician the employee performs supply support work to include the operation on several STAMIS systems, converting supply data to GCSS-Army, and GFEBS. (1) Prepare cost estimates for repair, maintenance and modifications of facilities performed by in-house or contractors (2) Perform project development work for short form contracts not to exceeding $25,000; (3) Conduct inspections for service contracts; (4) Perform COR duties for assigned service contracts; (5) Enter and retrieve data using various systems; (6) GPC Cardholder for assigned projects. Prepare cost estimates: Employee uses informal purchasing methods (i.e. against Blanket Purchase Agreements, Government Purchase Card (GPC), Delivery Orders against Indefinite Delivery Type Contracts, and General Services Administration to obtain supplies and equipment for the Directorate of Public Works (DPW) Supply Branch within the Business Operations and Integration (BOI) Division. Items purchased are usually standard commercial items but are not always available on the local market. The specifications of item characteristics often involve use of technical terminology or unusual characteristics. Material to be purchased includes stock and fringe items for electrical, heating, air conditioning, sanitation, wood, glass, hardware and construction supplies. Keeps a log file for the actions to document all important information. Prepares tax relief forms (Abwicklungsscheine). Employee makes purchases up to $25,000.00 based on authority delegated by the Contracting Officer, individual contracts and the GPC Agency Program Coordinator. Requests quotes for purchases over $3,500.00 from at least three vendors, as required. Determines if purchase is accepted, for example, when authorized to use specific government agency suppliers in special situations. The employee is responsible to determine the best value to the government, considering price and other factors, such as: delivery times, nature of the item, and urgency of project. Reviews material and service requests, as well as bill of materials (BOM) and rough sketches and estimates from DPW employees and customers; assures adequacy of description and other fundamental information. Develops RCO required packages for purchase actions over $25,000.00, and coordinates package with RCO. Contract Surveillance: As Quality Assurance Evaluator (QAE) facilitates activities between the contractor and the contracting officer representative (COR) or point of contact (POC). Performs site inspections and provides written reports to COR/POC. Coordinates with customer to schedule appointments for service contract work performance. Gathers information as to progress of contractual work. Verifies contractors' accomplishment of service contracts, ensuring observation and application of contract specifications. Gathers information and prepares cost breakdowns for inclusion in change orders and recommendations. Examines all work orders/maintenance requests upon completion and checks that work performed and data provided as well as prices charged are correct. Recommends payment as appropriate. Inputs data into GFEBS and assists in maintaining accuracy of database for all invoices, billings and real property records. Perform project development work: Determines the most advantageous procurement method, (i.e. Delivery Orders, GPC). Provide technical recommendations for projects exceeding $25,000. Consults with vendors, primarily by telephone, e-mail or facsimile, to determine prices, availability of items, and delivery time. Follows up and investigates on problems. Ensures that specifications of items are adequate, complete and precise. In case of differences between specifications and vendor quotes, employee coordinates with estimators, managers/supervisors or other individuals concerned to finalize the purchase. Contacts users/customers to clarify requirements or to suggest substitutions in case of non-availability of items. Enters data in automated engineer systems and assures that data required by RMO and RCO is correctly entered in GFEBS system. Monitors and maintains status of unfilled orders. Researches delays, and coordinates with customers to resolve problems. Translates documents and other information from English to German or vice versa. Perform Contracting Officer Representative (COR) duties: Performs technical and administrative functions of a Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) for various types of service-contracts under Operations and Maintenance Division control. As Contracting Officer's Representative (COR), the individual is designated as liaison between the contractor and the Contracting Officer and authorized by the contracting officer to perform specific technical or administrative functions on contracts or orders. Monitor, reviews, and determines whether the contractor's performance is in compliance with terms and conditions of the contract specifications. Notifies the Contracting Officer of violations of labor standard provisions, work, and documents that do not comply with contract requirements, and if contractor fails to correct identified deficiencies. Initiates corrective action ensuring that all defects and omissions are corrected or completed and the contractor provides formal proposals for contemplated changes. Maintains effective surveillance of the contract for compliance with the Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) and initiates changes in surveillance methods. Evaluates monthly data on a quantitative and qualitative bases to include trend and projections if appropriate and submits on monthly basis to the Contracting Officer. Maintains contract file, electronically in WAWF and/or paper (determined by Contracting Command) from development, pre-award, post-award, termination or closure and all other pertinent contract data. Conduct meetings with the Contracting Office, contractor Management, and involved assistants to solve existing issues. Discusses possible upcoming issues based on the respective situations. Maintains effective working relationships in the assigned functional areas (Germany wide). Guarantees the availability of sufficient funds using GFEBS during the duration of the contract/Task Order/Delivery Order. In case of any necessary modification, either decrease or increase, the COR will closely coordinate it with the Ordering Officer and/or the Contracting Officer. Performs other duties as assigned. Qualifikationsanforderungen Erklärungen zu den hier aufgeführten E&T Levels (Education & Training Levels / Bildungsebenen) finden Sie unter dem Link "Description of the Education & Training Levels" / Explanations to the E&T Levels (Education & Training Levels) can be found at the link "Description of the Education & Training Levels". C-5: E&T Level I: 2 years of creditable experience as defined in A below PLUS 1 year of experience as defined in B below. Current employees who do not meet E&T Level I and who are not in the same or similar occupation must have 2 additional years of creditable experience as described in A below. E&T Level II: 1 year of creditable experience as defined in A below PLUS 1 year of experience as defined in B below. E&T Level III and above: No additional experience required. Current employees who have served one year in the same or similar occupation are qualified for the next higher grade. Experience A: Included clerical work in an office or store, working with computers, bookkeeping, making and recording inventories, telephone marketing, arranging for events or as a cashier, etc. Experience B: Experience in the same or similar line of work as the job for which considered. The experience must demonstrate that the applicant possesses the particular knowledge, skills and abilities required in the position. The predominant experience must have been gained at a comparable level of difficulty to the position to be filled. C-5a: E&T Level I: 2 years of creditable experience as defined in A below PLUS 2 years of experience as defined in B below. Current employees who do not meet E&T Level I and who are not in the same or similar occupation must have 2 additional years of creditable experience as described in A below. E&T Level II: 1 years of creditable experience as defined in A below PLUS 2 years of experience as defined in B below. E&T Level III: 1 year of experience as defined in B below. E&T Level IV: No additional experience required. Current employees who have served one year in the same or similar occupation are qualified for the next higher grade. Experience A: Included clerical work in an office or store, working with computers, bookkeeping, making and recording inventories, telephone marketing, arranging for events or as a cashier, etc. Experience B: Experience in the same or similar line of work as the job for which considered. The experience must demonstrate that the applicant possesses the particular knowledge, skills and abilities required in the position. The predominant experience must have been gained at a comparable level of difficulty to the position to be filled. The amount of the higher level experience must be in a reasonable relation to the required total number of years. C-5: E&T Level I: 2 years of creditable experience as defined in A below PLUS 1 year of experience as defined in B below. E&T Level I: 2 Jahre anrechenbare Erfahrung wie beschrieben unter A, PLUS 1 Jahr wie beschrieben unter B. Current employees who do not meet E&T Level I and who are not in the same or similar occupation must have 2 additional years of creditable experience as described in A below. Innerbetriebliche Arbeitnehmer, die den E&T Level I nicht haben und zur Zeit nicht in einer gleichen oder aehnlichen Stelle arbeiten, benoetigen 2 Jahre zusaetzliche Erfahrung wie beschrieben unter A. E&T Level II: 1 year of creditable experience as defined in A below PLUS 1 year of experience as defined in B below. E&T Level II: 1 Jahr anrechenbare Erfahrung wie beschrieben unter A, PLUS 1 Jahr wie beschrieben unter B. E&T Level III and above: No additional experience required. E&T Level III und hoeher: Keine zusaetzliche Erfahrung erforderlich. Current employees who have served one year in the same or similar occupation are qualified for the next higher grade. Innerbetriebliche Arbeitnehmer, die bereits 1 Jahr im gleichen oder aehnlichen Taetigkeitsbereich beschaeftigt sind, qualifizieren fuer den naechst hoeheren Bezahlungsgrad. Experience A: Included clerical work in an office or store, working with computers, bookkeeping, making and recording inventories, telephone marketing, arranging for events or as a cashier, etc. Erfahrung A: Allgemeine Buerotaetigkeit z. B. Computeranwendung, Buchfuehrung, Inventuren, Telefon- oder Organisationsarbeit oder Kassierertaetigkeit. Experience B: Experience in the same or similar line of work as the job for which considered. The experience must demonstrate that the applicant possesses the particular knowledge, skills and abilities required in the position. The predominant experience must have been gained at a comparable level of difficulty to the position to be filled. Erfahrung B: Stellenbezogene Erfahrung, die zeigt, dass der Bewerber ueber das erforderliche Wissen, sowie Kenntnisse und Faehigkeiten der zu besetzenden Stelle verfuegt. Die Erfahrung muss einen angemessenen und vergleichbaren Schwierigkeitsgrad der Taetigkeit der Freistelle aufzeigen. C-5a: E&T Level I: 2 years of creditable experience as defined in A below PLUS 2 years of experience as defined in B below. E&T Level I: 2 Jahre anrechenbare Erfahrung wie beschrieben unter A, PLUS 2 Jahre wie beschrieben unter B. Current employees who do not meet E&T Level I and who are not in the same or similar occupation must have 2 additional years of creditable experience as described in A below. Innerbetriebliche Arbeitnehmer, die den E&T Level I nicht haben und zur Zeit nicht in einer gleichen oder aehnlichen Stelle arbeiten, benoetigen 2 Jahre zusaetzliche Erfahrung wie beschrieben unter A. E&T Level II: 1 years of creditable experience as defined in A below PLUS 2 years of experience as defined in B below. E&T Level II: 1 Jahr anrechenbare Erfahrung wie beschrieben unter A, PLUS 2 Jahre wie beschrieben unter B. E&T Level III: 1 year of experience as defined in B below. E&T Level III: 1 Jahr anrechenbare Erfahrung wie beschrieben unter B. E&T Level IV: No additional experience required. E&T Level IV und hoeher: Keine zusaetzliche Erfahrung erforderlich. Current employees who have served one year in the same or similar occupation are qualified for the next higher grade. Innerbetriebliche Arbeitnehmer, die bereits 1 Jahr im gleichen oder aehnlichen Taetigkeitsbereich beschaeftigt sind, qualifizieren fuer den naechst hoeheren Bezahlungsgrad. Experience A: Included clerical work in an office or store, working with computers, bookkeeping, making and recording inventories, telephone marketing, arranging for events or as a cashier, etc. Erfahrung A: Allgemeine Buerotaetigkeit z. B. Computeranwendung, Buchfuehrung, Inventuren, Telefon- oder Organisationsarbeit oder Kassierertaetigkeit. Experience B: Experience in the same or similar line of work as the job for which considered. The experience must demonstrate that the applicant possesses the particular knowledge, skills and abilities required in the position. The predominant experience must have been gained at a comparable level of difficulty to the position to be filled. The amount of the higher level experience must be in a reasonable relation to the required total number of years. Erfahrung B: Stellenbezogene Erfahrung, die zeigt, dass der Bewerber ueber das erforderliche Wissen, sowie Kenntnisse und Faehigkeiten der zu besetzenden Stelle verfuegt. Die Erfahrung muss einen angemessenen und vergleichbaren Schwierigkeitsgrad der Taetigkeit der Freistelle aufzeigen. Der Umfang der Erfahrung in hoeherwertigen Taetigkeiten muss in einem sinnvollen Verhaeltnis zur Gesamtzahl der geforderten Jahre stehen. Office automation skills are required. German driver's license class B and BE desired. Forklift Operations License desired. LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY LEVEL: English Language Proficiency level B2 AND German Language Proficiency level C1 required. Description of the Language Levels: Auswahlkriterien auswählen Generelle Informationen für LN Stellenausschreibungen - bitte lesen: / General Information for LN Job Announcements - please read: Beschäftigungsbedingungen Heavy lifting up to 40 lbs The incumbent of this position is occasionally required to perform TDY (Temporary Duty Travel) within Germany. Position may be filled at the C-5 or at the full performance level, C-5A. The incumbent may be non-competitively promoted to the next higher or full performance level in accordance with regulatory requirements, upon completion of required training, and recommendation of supervisor. WE OFFER: - a global employer who stands for cultural diversity and equal opportunities - employment in an international environment with a welcoming atmosphere - high level of job security and attractive pay under German tariff agreements (CTA II; Protection Agreement) including, but not limited to, the following tariff entitlements: - 30 days of annual leave; 36 days for severely handicapped employees (additional time-off on 24 & 31 December per tariff agreement) - vacation and Christmas pay (total of 13 monthly salaries) - various additional social benefits (e.g., employer pension scheme through Allianz group insurance; property accrual payments) Beyond the tariff agreement, - usually time off on 8-9 U.S. holidays due to work hour redistribution (governed by shop agreement) - employer-specific programs for flexible work schedules; mobile work; length-of-service/performance awards - health promotion and fitness programs, including free use of employer-run fitness centers.