Generali Investments is one of the leading European asset management providers.
Over 1,200 specialists in numerous countries have more than € 670 billion in assets under management. Through dedicated professionals, specific expertise and advanced technologies, we develop solutions that our clients need most.
That is the job
The Client Services Team is responsible for supporting German existing Client relationships as well as developing new business and onboarding new clients. Clients include pure institutional, financial advisors networks, retail and private banks, asset management firms, distributors and distribution platforms.
The Client Service Manager takes ultimate responsibility for the servicing of Client relationships in close cooperation with the German Sales Team, ensuring the consistent delivery of a high-quality service.
The ideal candidate will work on the following activities:
1. Support all Client & Prospect Management and Service Delivery activities within the business, towards institutional accounts (mainly Professionals of the Financial Sector and Pension Funds) as well as Retail Distribution Networks
2. Work to internal workflow processes, systems and structures to ensure an effective support services operation, by coordinating different colleagues In particular:Input, analyse and disseminate dataUndertake the daily work relevant to the effective running of the Business Relationship Management Section. This implies assisting with any client-related business projects, including onboarding, offboarding, distribution agreements, IMAs, advisory and SLAs negotiation/execution and taking part in internal panels or forums, as well as external meetings and events.
3. Act as a key contact and interface between the sales team and clients
4. Adopting CRM systems using bespoke IT application
5. Produce regular and ad-hoc management information reports using internal reporting system
6. Master’s Degree
7. Solid knowledge of asset management products and strategies (min 5 years of experience)
8. Proficient in use of IT systems and advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office (notably, Excel spreadsheets)
9. High standard of English and general education (knowledge of another EU language is a plus)
10. Proven ability to effectively collaborate with the team and stakeholders, both remotely and in person
11. Ability to create, maintain and promote a productive and supportive relationship with all stakeholders
12. Open to flexibility and change
13. Excellent organizational, planning, writing and communication skills
14. An interest in ensuring accuracy, clarity and quality of work
15. Strong problem solving and analytical skills
16. Experience of working with senior management
17. Commercial awareness; self-motivated, pro-active and intuitive
18. Confidence in operating within a client-facing environment
Die Arbeitswelt wird immer komplexer und die Anforderungen an unsere Kolleginnen und Kollegen steigen. Somit gewinnt das Work-Life-Management zunehmend an Bedeutung. Wir unterstützen mit modernen Arbeitsmodellen dabei, das Berufs- und Privatleben miteinander zu vereinbaren.
Mit vielfältige Angeboten unterstützen wir die Aus- und Weiterbildung unserer Mitarbeitenden, als App auch mobil. Unsere Talentprogramme fördern die berufliche Weiterentwicklung unserer Kolleginnen und Kollegen und bietet für jede Zielgruppe maßgeschneiderte Möglichkeiten.
Gesundheit und Fitness
Die Gesundheit unserer Kolleginnen und Kollegen liegt uns am Herzen - we care. Daher unterstützen wir diese mit vielen verschiedenen Vorsorge-, Sport-, Versicherungs- und Therapieangeboten
We are Generali. In diesem Sinne fördern wir die Möglichkeit zum Netzwerken mit Kolleginnen und Kollegen auch über direkte Arbeitsbereiche hinaus.
Ziel unserer Personalstrategie ist es, eine leistungsgerechte und faire Vergütung sicherzustellen. Erfolgsabhängige Bonuszahlung, betriebliche Altersvorsorge und diverse Vergünstigungen stellen attraktive Zusatzleistungen dar.
Egal ob mit Mitarbeiterkonditionen für Versicherungs- und Finanzprodukte oder Corporate Benefits – unsere Kolleginnen und Kollegen profitieren von einer Vielzahl an Rabattmöglichkeiten und Zuschüssen.