Become part of the open science movement The Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information (ZPID) in Trier (Germany) is an internationally recognized research-based psychology service center located in Trier (Germany) and is belonging to the Leibniz Association. ZPID is undergoing a strategic extension process aimed at becoming a one-stop, full-service provider supporting the entire spectrum of needs expressed by researchers and psychology professionals. Current and future ZPID research areas and services are guided by the values of open science and open innovation. Become part of ZPID´s strategic extension at the forefront of the open science movement Speculative application In order to apply, please register with our online portal here and upload the following documents: Cover and motivation letter CV (including publication list) Certificates Names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses of 1-2 potential references ZPID is committed to equal opportunities in employment and, in particular, to increasing the number of women in academic positions. We comply with guidelines regarding laws and regulations governing part-time employment. Among equally qualified applicants, candidates belonging to disadvantaged groups will be given preference. We are a family-friendly employer and have been certified by the audit. Please note that online applications will only be accepted until via the following URL: