\n\n The Nunatak Group ist die Strategieberatung, wenn es ums Thema Digitalisierung geht. Wir unterstützen Kund*innen aus allen Branchen beim digitalen Wandel und verhelfen ihnen zu dauerhaftem Wachstum. Wir verbinden strategisches und analytisches Know-how mit einem pragmatischen und ergebnisorientierten Ansatz.
Für unsere Kund*innen entwickeln wir ganzheitliche digitale Strategien und innovative Geschäftsmodelle, optimieren Marketing und Kommunikation, unterstützen bei der Akquise junger Unternehmen und helfen bei der Aggregation, Administration und Auswertung beliebig großer Mengen von Daten.
Unsere authentische Digital-Erfahrung und unser internationales Netzwerk bringen wir in die Projekte ein und verantworten sie bis zur erfolgreichen Umsetzung. In der Nunatak Academy vermitteln wir digitale Kompetenzen und stellen sicher, dass das neue Wissen zu dauerhafter Veränderung führt.\n\n
\n\n As a Consultant at Nunatak, you'll be entrusted with the following
\n\n What you can look forward to:
* \n Diverse responsibilities in an exciting environment, with a high degree of responsibility from day one\n
* \n The opportunity to help shape processes and strategies at the highest level\n
* \n Interesting clients who are among the market leaders in their respective industries\n
* \n Projects centered on innovative questions\n
* \n Collegial, close-knit collaboration in small, interdisciplinary teams\n
* \n Short decision paths, flat hierarchies and a values-based corporate culture\n
* \n Flexible working hours – because it's the result that counts, not your presence in the office\n
* \nA great place to work in Munich, directly at the English Garden or in Berlin very close to the Alexanderplatz\n
Visit us on Linkedin to get a look at our team – and see what working with us looks like!\n\n
\n\n Want to be part of an interdisciplinary and innovative team? Become a Nunatakeer and join the ranks in our Munich or Berlin office! We look forward to receiving your application materials (including cover letter and letters of recommendation). Please indicate your desired salary and your earliest possible start date. For further information and questions, please
\n\n The Nunatak Group is the go-to strategy consultancy when it comes to digitalization. We support clients from all industries in their digital transformation and help them achieve sustainable growth. We combine strategic and analytical know-how with a pragmatic and results-oriented approach.
For our clients, we develop integrated digital strategies and innovative business models, optimize marketing and communication, support the acquisition of young companies, and help with the aggregation, administration and evaluation of any amount of data.
We bring our authentic digital experience and our international network to the projects, and take responsibility for these projects until they have been successfully realized. At the Nunatak Academy, we teach digital skills and ensure that the new knowledge leads to lasting change.