We are looking for a Chief Officer (m/f/d) beginning of September 2023.
Profile of requirements:
* Ideally experience and travel times as first officer
* In-depth knowledge of ship safety, ISM Code and ISPS
* Experience in ferry shipping would be desirable
* Experience with computerized maintenance systems
* Confident handling of the usual means of communication as well as in-depth knowledge of IT standard software (Windows, Word, Excel, Outlook)
* Very good leadership skills
* Very good knowledge of English
* We assume a high level of service, discretion, assertiveness, willingness to work, flexibility and team spirit
* goal-oriented, independent, and self-reliant action
* Well-groomed, confident demeanor and good manners
You must be in possession of all valid certificates required by STCW.
Remuneration goes according to the current wage agreement for German shipping.
We look forward to receiving your application.