Description du poste
Type de métier
Types de métiers Crédit Agricole S.A. - Financement et Investissement
Types de métier complémentaires
Types de métiers Crédit Agricole S.A. - Analyse financière et économique
Types de métiers Crédit Agricole S.A. - Finances / Comptabilité / Contrôle de gestion
Types de métiers Crédit Agricole S.A. - Commercial / Relations Clients
Intitulé du poste
Debt Capital Market (DCM) Analyst M/F/D
Type de contrat
Durée (en mois)
Date prévue de prise de fonction
You will join Crédit Agricole CIB Germany as Debt Capital Market (DCM) Analyst.
Your concrete missions will be the following:
1. Establish yourself as a full team member of the Debt Capital Markets Origination Team Germany & Austria ;
2. Work closely with related departments and ensure the daily workflow with Syndicate, Research, Sales, Capital Solutions, Sustainable Banking, Trading, Legal & Compliance ;
3. Build-up thorough knowledge of clients, regulatory environment and capital markets ;
4. Be a full member of the client coverage team, work on pitches and client inquiries, pricing updates and private placement ideas ;
5. Act as part of the deal team in the execution process.
Watch this video to discover our offices in Frankfurt.
To be eligible for a VIE :
- Be less than 28 years old
- Be g raduated of Master Degree
- Be EU citizens (except German)
Don’t forget to mention this information explicitly in your resume and/or cover letter!
Localisation du poste
Zone géographique
Europe, Allemagne
Critères candidat
Niveau d'études minimum
Bac + 5 / M2 et plus
Formation / Spécialisation
Are you our future VIE?
You are postgraduate of a Master degree from an University, a Business School or an Engineering School with a specialization in Finance and Debt Capital Markets.
Niveau d'expérience minimum
0 - 2 ans
A first experience in Market or Corporate Finance is necessary.
Compétences recherchées
Hard Skills :
- Analytical skills ;
- Microsoft Office ;
- Bloomberg ;
- Fluent English and French ;
- German would be a plus.
Soft Skills :
- Flexibility ;
- Eagerness ;
- Motivation.