Aufsichtf. Elektrotechniker/in Ansbach, Germany Ausschreibungsbereich Dies ist eine Wiederausschreibung der Stellenausschreibung 24JUN0JJ235B0X181864. Bewerbungen auf Ausschreibung 24JUN0JJ235B0X181864 sind für diese Ausschreibung NICHT gültig; eine erneute Bewerbung ist erforderlich. / This is a re-announcement of vacancy announcement 24JUN0JJ235B0X181864. Applications for vacancy announcement 24JUN0JJ235B0X181864 are NOT valid for this announcement, submission of a new application is required. WER DARF SICH BEWERBEN? / WHO MAY APPLY? INNERBETRIEBLICHE Arbeitnehmer in Deutschland. Dies umfasst alle ortsansässigen Beschäftigten der US Streitkräfte, einschließlich Air Force und AAFES-Europe, innerhalb Deutschlands. Current INTERNAL Local National Employees throughout Germany. This covers all current Local National employees of the U.S. Forces in Germany, including U.S. Air Force and AAFES-Europe within Germany. UND/AND AUSSERBETRIEBLICHE Bewerber, die in Deutschland wohnhaft sind. EXTERNAL Local National Applicants, who reside in Germany. Hauptaufgaben Prepares tentative and final project plans, specifications and work descriptions for new installation, modification, extension, maintenance, and construction or repair projects for the field of electrical engineering. Project items have to be followed by contractor, in-house forces or troop labor in execution of project work. Uses technical and functional data and statements of requested work received or gather by work-site investigations. Coordinates and integrates specification development and writing of items pertaining to other engineering fields; includes specifications of own field into project of other fields. Develops and prepares cost estimates of material, equipment and man-hours to be used in execution of project from construction specifications, statements of functional requirements or requestor's need and other for budgeting, planning, approving, contracting and other purposes related to function of project and plans services. Analysis costs of completed projects and studies supply catalogs and similar material for improvement of specifications to reduce costs for future projects. Applies precedents, supply catalogs, cost and other pricing guides of respective trades. Inspects construction phases for progress and quality of work. Advises on solution of construction problems not anticipated during designing stage. Suggests deviations from specifications on the work-site, pending a change order to R&G; refers major discrepancies with recommendation for elimination to DPW or advising engineer for further action, where the application of professional engineering knowledge and principles is involved. Conducts final acceptance and guarantee inspections. Maintains records and reports on inspection work as required. Serves as Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) on pertaining contracts. Supervises, plans, directs and reviews the work of the assigned staff through an Electrician Foreman. Provides assistance and guidance on especially complex or controversial problems/projects. Assigns projects based on priorities and capabilities of subordinates. Establishes performance expectations and evaluates performance with input from lead and first line supervisor. Interviews prospective employees and makes selections. Provides advice counsel and/or instructions to subordinates on both work and administrative matters. Hears and resolves employee complaints. Conducts corrective interview with employees and takes disciplinary actions as warranted. Keeps employees informed of management policies, goals and objectives. Initiates requests for recruitment, promotion, reassignments, performance awards, and other personnel actions. Reviews job descriptions and task lists of subordinates and initiates changes as necessary. Frequently evaluates the necessary electrical system operational data and prepares amongst others the load flow and short circuit analysis for the entire electrical grids. Determines the required settings for the protective devices. Designs or initiates projects for upgrades and changes of the systems caused by new construction or changing usage of facilities. Reviews the entire systems and prepares and updates the Electrical Contingency Plan based on the actual and constantly changing needs. Designs, operates and maintains the energy visualization, energy monitoring and energy metering system. Evaluates all metering data and prepares extensive energy consumption reports and detailed graphs for the O&M Division and various organizations. Prepares and submits the data used for the reimbursement activities for energy cost from other organizations. Monitors the energy consumption across the installations and implements or initiates energy conservation measures. Applies a deep knowledge of applicable US and German laws, electrical and safety regulations and assures that these regulations are followed during performance. Performs recurring theoretical and practical training for the subordinate personnel conducting operations within the electrical systems. Evaluates and reviews the qualification of the electrical personnel and is authorized to issue the mandatory switching authorization memorandums to qualified personnel. Prepares and implements the required measures and procedures related to personnel safety and to ensure continuous power supply to all facilities. Plans and coordinates the operations and power shut downs with customers, in house agencies, private utility companies and contractors. Has the required training, the required certificates and the long time experience for this function and can conduct switching operations along. Must be available after duty hours, holidays and weekends to decide, organize and supervise the necessary actions in case of major blackouts and other critical incidences within the electrical systems. Must be listed at the various public utility companies as a person of contact for the immediate response to failures inside the USAG systems or failures affecting the external systems of the suppliers. Has the required training, experience and practical ability to safely locate failures on underground lines, transformers, circuit breakers and other essential electrical systems to initiate quick response. Performs other duties as assigned. Qualifikationsanforderungen Erklärungen zu den hier aufgeführten E&T Levels (Education & Training Levels / Bildungsebenen) finden Sie unter dem Link "Description of the Education & Training Levels" / Explanations to the E&T Levels (Education & Training Levels) can be found at the link "Description of the Education & Training Levels". C-7: E&T Level I, II and III: not creditable for this occupational series E&T Level IVB and IVC: A Meister Diploma or Staatlich gepruefter Techniker in a trades or crafts field directly related to the position; PLUS 3 years of job related experience as defined below. E&T Level IV A and D: not creditable for positions in this occupational series. E&T Level V: Graduation from a University or equivalent, e.g., Fachhochschule, the Berufsakademie,or Technische Hochschule as Wirtschaftsingenieur, Ingenieur des Maschinenwesens, der Elekrotechnik oder des Bauwesens; PLUS 2 years of job related experience as defined below. Job Related Experience: Experience must be directly related to the area of specialization of the position and must be at a level of difficulty that compares to the grade of the position. Advanced journeyman trades and crafts experience that provided intensive knowledge of engineering principles, techniques, methods and precedents is a prerequisite, e.g., experience as a technician, instructor, inspector, or mechanic that shows progression in theoretical and practical knowledge of the area of specialization of the position. • Bewerber müssen den Führerschein Klasse B besitzen. / Applicants must be in possession of a German driver's license class B. • Bewerber muessen in der Lage sein einen Militär Führerschein zu erwerben und zu behalten. / Applicants must be able to obtain and maintain a military driver's license. • Kenntnisse im Umgang mit Büroanwenderprogrammen erforderlich. / Office automation skills are required. SPRACHKENNTNISSE: / LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY LEVEL: Englischlevel und Deutschlevel B1 erforderlich. / English AND German Language Proficiency level B1 required. Description of the Language Levels: Auswahlkriterien auswählen Generelle Informationen für LN Stellenausschreibungen - bitte lesen: / General Information for LN Job Announcements - please read: Beschäftigungsbedingungen • Situationsbedingtes Telework ist möglich. / Employee may perform the work at a location away from the regular worksite (e.g. at home) on a non-routine, ad-hoc basis. This includes work performed to complete a short-term special assignment or to accommodate special circumstances. DAS BIETEN WIR IHNEN: - einen globalen Arbeitgeber, der für kulturelle Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit steht - ein Arbeitsverhältnis in internationalem Umfeld und kollegialer Atmosphäre - hohe Arbeitsplatzsicherheit und eine attraktive Vergütung nach deutschen Tarifverträgen (TV AL II, Schutz TV), mit u.a. folgenden tariflichen Ansprüchen: - 30 Tage Urlaub bzw. 36 bei schwerbehinderten Arbeitnehmern (zusätzlich sind gemäß Tarifvertrag der 24.12. und der 31.12. frei) - Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld (insgesamt 13 Monatsgehälter) - eine Reihe von zusätzlichen sozialen Leistungen (u. a. eine betriebliche Altersvorsorge (Allianzgruppenversicherung) und vermögenswirksame Leistungen) Über den Tarifvertrag hinaus - sind 8-9 US-Feiertage i.d.R. zusätzlich arbeitsfrei durch Umverteilung der Arbeitszeit (durch Betriebsvereinbarung geregelt) - bestehen betriebsinterne Regelungen zu flexiblen Arbeitszeitmodellen, mobilem Arbeiten und Prämien für Betriebszugehörigkeit und besondere Leistungen - existieren Gesundheits- bzw. Fitnessprogramme, die u.a. die kostenfreie Nutzung der betrieblichen Fitnesscenter beinhalten WE OFFER: - a global employer who stands for cultural diversity and equal opportunities - employment in an international environment with a welcoming atmosphere - high level of job security and attractive pay under German tariff agreements (CTA II; Protection Agreement) including, but not limited to, the following tariff entitlements: - 30 days of annual leave; 36 days for severely handicapped employees (additional time-off on 24 & 31 December per tariff agreement) - vacation and Christmas pay (total of 13 monthly salaries) - various additional social benefits (e.g., employer pension scheme through Allianz group insurance; property accrual payments) Beyond the tariff agreement, - usually time off on 8-9 U.S. holidays due to work hour redistribution (governed by shop agreement) - employer-specific programs for flexible work schedules; mobile work; length-of-service/performance awards - health promotion and fitness programs, including free use of employer-run fitness centers.