I'm a single dad with shared custody of my daugther. Due to working during the week, I only have her from Fridays to Tuesdays, and I need occasionally someone to stay with her for a few hours on weekends, so I can get back to having a social life. My daugther's name is Diane, she is 6 years old, and she has autism. She can't talk, but she is very affectionate, likes hugs, tickles and watching cartoons (mostly peppa pig). She communicate using gestures, and dragging the person by the hand to what she wants. She is a very happy child and very rarelt cries. In order to keep her occupied, during the few hours she's be with a sitter, I would give her her tablet, which she knows how to use herself, and she will quietly watch cartoons. The job would be basically giving her food, refilling her water and changing her diapers (she is still learning to use the toilet).