Fernmeldemechaniker/in Ansbach, Germany Ausschreibungsbereich Area: WER DARF SICH BEWERBEN? / WHO MAY APPLY? INNERBETRIEBLICHE Arbeitnehmer in Deutschland. Dies umfasst alle ortsansässigen Beschäftigten der US Streitkräfte, einschlieÃlich Air Force und AAFES-Europe, innerhalb Deutschlands. Current INTERNAL Local National Employees throughout Germany. This covers all current Local National employees of the U.S. Forces in Germany, including U.S. Air Force and AAFES-Europe within Germany. UND/AND AUSSERBETRIEBLICHE Bewerber, die in Deutschland wohnhaft sind. EXTERNAL Local National Applicants, who reside in Germany. Hauptaufgaben Performs duties connected with the installation of aerial and buried cable lines, temporary and permanent field cable lines, and the rehabilitation and maintenance of these facilities which requires special skills and dexterity. Tests lead-covered, plastic-covered, and field cables, and determines electrical and mechanical faults and damages. Locates punctures in cable insulation, removes sections of lead sheath or other insulating material, and tests wires for continuity. Determines cause for improper functioning (e.g., shorts, grounds, opens, perforations, excessive moisture, etc.) and repairs or replaces faulty cable sections with new cable. Ensures continuity and proper insulation of spliced conductors, and staggers splices along the exposed cable area to provide for an even diameter of the splice area. Dries out moisture, covers exposed cable area with lead or plastic sleeve or other insulating material, and ensures an air and moisture proof joint between cable and sleeve. Provides necessary information (e.g., exact location, type and size of splices, etc.) to supervisor or Wire Chief of the supported Dial Central Office (DCO), requests acceptance, and renders assistance during the acceptance inspection. Performs work in the installation and relocation of cables in ducts and buildings as well as in the installation of main and intermediate cable distribution frames, cable distribution boxes, cable terminals, and subscriber stations. Installs small portable telephone exchange facilities and connects subscriber stations. Assists in the setting up and dismantling of material storage and bivouacs. Performs tasks at considerable height (e.g., on poles, scaffolds and ladders). Instructs personnel in lower grades in the technical requirements of job orders and performs the more difficult tasks. Assists in familiarization training of newly instated personnel, and in training courses and classes conducted on unit and center level, as required. In completion of assignments, operates various kinds of power tools. Depending on operational requirements, operates motor vehicles to transport personnel and material to, from and between project sites, requiring the incumbent to possess the appropriate German and US military drivers licenses. Lays fiber optic cables in soil, cable shafts and within buildings. Installs cable ducts within buildings required for the entire buildings installation and data management. Performs wall and ceiling breakthroughs by means of drilling holes. Installs and replaces all material such as sockets. Connects telephones, computers, and other appliances to the fiber optic network. Enforces all splices and connects the individual fibers. Conduct quality control checks. Welds the fibers on corresponding plugs if necessary. Builds fiber optic cabinets and installs all necessary prefabricated parts such as patch panel, front plates, mounting, etc. Installs affiliated appliances for the power supply and ventilation. Establishes required connections between the patch panels for copper telephone lines and fiber optic lines. Equips data cable (CAT 5 and higher) with the necessary special plugs. Performs measurements and check-ups using the Optic Time Digital Reflectometer (OTDR) measuring instrument. Works closely with other organizational units such as Tech Control, RSC, DSN, DCO, DPW and other units within the Signal Command. Enhances existing installations and assists in the planning, preparation of planning documents like schematics and drawings, calculations of required capacities and performs other associated duties. Assists in planning the most efficient techniques in developing the proper layout. After completion of required tasks, prepares handwritten cable plans for the purpose of final preparation of wiring diagrams by the responsible drawing office. Prepares a variety of documents that verify the work performed, material used, time spent, etc. Develops a record on all fiber optic cables and lines reflecting necessary checks having been conducted. When required for training and field exercises, independently carries out the planning and walk throughs for immediate lay-outs and installations of signal and data management cables. Plans projects for future cable supplies of buildings. Provides advice to supervisors regarding future projects and their implementation. Oversees the work of lower graded employees. May be required to assist Engineering Technicians in the performance of complicated tasks in fault location testing and quality assurance in the telecommunications area. Performs other duties as assigned. Qualifikationsanforderungen A4-2502-5: Completed vocational training of at least 30 months in the appropriate trade. Abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung in der entsprechenden Gewerbegruppe mit einer Ausbildungsdauer von mindestens 30 Monaten. OR/ODER 5 years of specialized experience. 5 Jahre einschlägige Berufserfahrung. A4-2502-6: Completed vocational training in the appropriate trade PLUS 2 years experience at a level of difficulty comparable to the Wage Group 5 or equivalent. The applicant must be able to perform the duties independently. Abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung in der entsprechenden Gewerbegruppe mit einer Ausbildungsdauer von mindestens 30 Monaten, PLUS 2 Jahre Berufserfahrung in der Lohngruppe 5 oder in, vom Schwierigkeitsgrad vergleichbaren Tätigkeiten, welche selbständig ausgeübt wurden. OR/ODER 8 years of specialized experience of which 3 years must have been performed at the wage group 5 or equivalent level. 8 Jahre einschlägige Berufserfahrung von denen mindestens 3 Jahre in der Lohngruppe 5 oder vergleichbaren Tätigkeiten ausgeübt wurden. A4-2502-7: 3 years of specialized experience at the A-6 level with the U.S. Forces. ⢠Bewerber müssen den Führerschein Klasse B besitzen. / Applicants must be in possession of a German driver's license class B. ⢠Kenntnisse im Umgang mit Büroanwenderprogrammen erforderlich. / Office automation skills are required. SPRACHKENNTNISSE: / LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY LEVEL: Englischlevel A2 und Deutschlevel B2 erforderlich. / English Language Proficiency level A2 AND German Language Proficiency level B2 required. Description of the Language Levels: https://portal.chra.army.mil/mnrs?sys_id13a66d71cd2d2d10aaffb5ebb50f5aa0&viewsp&idmnrs_kb_article&tablekb_knowledge Auswahlkriterien auswählen Generelle Informationen für LN Stellenausschreibungen - bitte lesen: / General Information for LN Job Announcements - please read: https://portal.chra.army.mil/mnrs?sys_id77e3ac4a5ce32110924578e08ba9227c&viewsp&idmnrs_kb_article&tablekb_knowledge Beschäftigungsbedingungen ⢠These are multiple permanent full-time (38.5hrs./week) positions. ⢠Rufbereitschaft erforderlich. / On-Call duty required. ⢠Der Stelleninhaber dieser Position ist verpflichtet gelegentlich Dienstreisen durchzuführen. / The incumbent of this position is occasionally required to perform TDY (Temporary Duty Travel). ⢠Heben und Tragen bis zu 23 kg erforderlich. / Employee must be able to lift and carry up to 50 lbs. DAS BIETEN WIR IHNEN: - einen globalen Arbeitgeber, der für kulturelle Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit steht - ein Arbeitsverhältnis in internationalem Umfeld und kollegialer Atmosphäre - hohe Arbeitsplatzsicherheit und eine attraktive Vergütung nach deutschen Tarifverträgen (TV AL II, Schutz TV), mit u.a. folgenden tariflichen Ansprüchen: - 30 Tage Urlaub bzw. 36 bei schwerbehinderten Arbeitnehmern (zusätzlich sind gemäà Tarifvertrag der 24.12. und der 31.12. frei) - Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld (insgesamt 13 Monatsgehälter) - eine Reihe von zusätzlichen sozialen Leistungen (u. a. eine betriebliche Altersvorsorge (Allianzgruppenversicherung) und vermögenswirksame Leistungen) Ãber den Tarifvertrag hinaus - sind 8-9 US-Feiertage i.d.R. zusätzlich arbeitsfrei durch Umverteilung der Arbeitszeit (durch Betriebsvereinbarung geregelt) - bestehen betriebsinterne Regelungen zu flexiblen Arbeitszeitmodellen, mobilem Arbeiten und Prämien für Betriebszugehörigkeit und besondere Leistungen - existieren Gesundheits- bzw. Fitnessprogramme, die u.a. die kostenfreie Nutzung der betrieblichen Fitnesscenter beinhalten WE OFFER: - a global employer who stands for cultural diversity and equal opportunities - employment in an international environment with a welcoming atmosphere - high level of job security and attractive pay under German tariff agreements (CTA II; Protection Agreement) including, but not limited to, the following tariff entitlements: - 30 days of annual leave; 36 days for severely handicapped employees (additional time-off on 24 & 31 December per tariff agreement) - vacation and Christmas pay (total of 13 monthly salaries) - various additional social benefits (e.g., employer pension scheme through Allianz group insurance; property accrual payments) Beyond the tariff agreement, - usually time off on 8-9 U.S. holidays due to work hour redistribution (governed by shop agreement) - employer-specific programs for flexible work schedules; mobile work; length-of-service/performance awards - health promotion and fitness programs, including free use of employer-run fitness centers.