The University of Duisburg-Essen is a young, innovative university in the centre of the Ruhr metropolis. Excellent in research and teaching, it thinks in terms of possibilities rather than boundaries and develops ideas with a future. It embraces diversity, promotes potential and is committed to educational equality worthy of the name.
IDOS is one of the world's leading research organisations and a think tank in the field of global sustainable development. It was founded in 1964 as a gGmbH and is supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MKW) as shareholders.
The University of Duisburg-Essen is seeking to fill the following position in the Faculty of Social Sciences in the joint appointment procedure with the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) in Bonn in accordance with the Jülich Model at the earliest possible date for a fixed term of five years:
Full professorship for Global Policy for Sustainable Development
(W3 salary band as defined in the North Rhine-Westphalian salary regulations for the W salary range (Landesbesoldungsordnung; LBesO W))
combined with the position of:
Deputy Director of the IDOS (m/f/d)
We are looking for a strategically minded and integrative leader with excellent research experience in the field of global sustainable development.
Upon appointment as a professor, the person is immediately granted leave of absence to fulfil the management function at IDOS (place of work: Bonn). The deputy directorship goes hand in hand with the role of second managing director. There is a teaching obligation at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Duisburg-Essen to the extent of 2 SWS.
Requirements profile:
The professor should further develop the research profile of IDOS and the Faculty of Social Sciences with internationally visible peer-reviewed publications and the acquisition of third-party funded projects in competitive procedures. Together with the Director of IDOS, the professor ensures the excellent performance of the institute in research, policy advice and training in joint management and together with the Board of Trustees and the International Scientific Advisory Board as well as all employees, and continues to network it nationally, Europe-wide and internationally. In view of the approximately 110-strong scientific team and the diverse portfolio of IDOS (research, policy advice, training, communication), openness to interdisciplinary cooperation within the social sciences, economics and cultural studies is essential. Experience in and a strong interest in advising federal and state ministries as well as national, European and international organisations is also expected. We are looking for the ability to identify innovative research topics to tackle social challenges, to form and lead interdisciplinary research groups, to derive practical solutions from theory-based research and to efficiently organise the transfer of knowledge into practice. Experience in employee management, strategy implementation and an understanding of commercial business processes are essential. Supervision of doctoral students in political science and participation in teaching at the university and at IDOS are also expected.
Requirements and qualifications:
Proven political science expertise in the field of international cooperation, development and sustainability, which is located in development research, international relations, comparative politics or related fields. Publications in high-ranking, peer-reviewed journals Experience in the implementation of self-acquired, competitive third-party funded projects, preferably DFG-funded projects or - in the case of applications from abroad - from comparable funding institutions, appropriate to the advertised position The University of Duisburg-Essen attaches particular importance to the quality of teaching. Didactic ideas on teaching - also taking into account the profile of the University of Duisburg-Essen and the IDOS - must be presented. Experience in the management of research projects and policy advice Proven organisational and leadership skills (preferably including commercial business processes), integrative communication and teamwork skills, motivating management style Research experience outside the OECD area Business fluent in English. Good German language skills are expected in the first two years The co-management of a research and policy advisory institute of the size of IDOS requires a local presence as well as the willingness to travel regularly on business. A willingness to live in the Bonn region is therefore a prerequisite.
The recruitment requirements are based on Section 36 of the NRW Higher Education Act.
The professorship will initially be filled for a fixed term of five years. The professorship will be made permanent in the event of an initial reappointment as Deputy Director at IDOS. Upon appointment as a professor, the person will be immediately placed on leave to fulfil the management function at IDOS (place of employment: Bonn). The appointment as Deputy Director is made by the shareholders for an initial period of five years. Reappointments - generally for a further five years in each case - are sought In the event of non-reappointment as Deputy Director, permanent employment at IDOS is guaranteed.
IDOS is also committed to diversity and equal opportunities. It is certified as a family-friendly organisation. The aim of IDOS is to increase the proportion of women in areas where women are underrepresented and to promote their careers in particular.
On the basis of independent research, IDOS advises decision-makers at various levels of governance in politics and practice. Research and policy advice take place in international and cross-sectoral cooperation, which is supported and lived in many ways through the institute's three postgraduate training programmes and the doctoral programme. IDOS's multi-perspective and transdisciplinary research on the interdependence of 'development' and 'sustainability' aims to empirically assess the globally different visions of sustainable and socially just futures within the planetary guard rails, as well as to develop scientifically-based and partnership-based approaches for the necessary processes of restructuring social and economic systems and the systems of international cooperation themselves. IDOS is thus committed to a collaborative and constructively co-operating multipolar world order as the basis for the future.
The Institute of Political Science at the UDE is currently one of the largest teaching and research institutions for political science in Germany with 14 chairs and professorships and over 70 employees. The Institute's research focuses on the following areas: a) peace and conflict research in connection with development policy issues; b) comparative political science; c) political science area studies with a focus on Europe, Asia and Africa; d) political control and governance research as well as administrative research, e-democracy and e-governance; e) political management, political communication and public opinion.