The Chair for Dynamics, Control, Machine Learning, and Numerics Alexander von Humboldt Professorship (FAU DCN-AvH) led by Professor Enrique Zuazua, invites applications for two (02) PhD doctoral research positions at the ERC CoDeFeL, Control for Deep and Federated Learning project.
Context of the ERC-CoDeFeL project
CoDeFeL seeks to make a breakthrough that takes the mathematical foundations of Machine Learning beyond their present frontiers, through the systematic development of new ideas and methods inspired by control theory.
Ihre Aufgaben
Position Details
Duration: Initially limited to up to three (3) years, with the possibility of extension.
Starting Date: To be adapted to the availability of selected candidates (preferably before June, 2025).
Salary: Competitive international annual gross salary following the German TV-L (E 13) scale.
Location: The positions are based in Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany.
See more details at:
Ihr Profil
Notwendige Qualifikationen:
Qualifications required
Master in Applied Mathematics, Control, Machine Learning and/or related areas
Advanced knowledge in scientific programming (R, Python, Matlab)
Ability to work independently and collaboratively in an international and interdisciplinary team
Excellent knowledge of English (oral/written) is compulsory to the job profile and tasks development
Wünschenswerte Qualifikationen:
Application deadline
Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications (single PDF) via email to dcn-jobs at by March 25, 2025.
Applicants should provide the following information:
a) Cover Letter:
Brief description of the topic and results of your Master thesis
Brief description of the last couple of years at university and the main courses you attended
Explanation of how your expertise relates to the research topics of the of the ERC CoDeFeL.
Description of your expectations from the postdoctoral position in our research group.
b) Curriculum Vitae:
Including a list of publications and preprints (if any).
Your transcript(s) of records (if any).
c) Reference Information: List of 2-3 professors (with contact information) who can provide a reference letter. Explain your connection to them. No recommendation letters are required at this stage.
Please send a single PDF file (titled FAU_ERCphd2025_candidateNameLastname.pdf) with the required information via email to dcn-jobs at with the requested information
Subject of your email: FAU ERC CoDeFeL PhD 2025
Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview, either in person or online.
Institutional Values
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg is committed to international standards, transparent performance agreements, equal opportunity, inclusivity, support for under-represented groups, an inclusive culture, and diversity. The university also prioritizes the needs of dual career couples and is recognized as a family-friendly employer.
Read more about CoDeFeL project:
The CoDeFeL project (ERC-2022-ADG) has received funding from the European Union s Horizon ERC Grants programme under grant agreement No The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA), the European Union or the granting authority who cannot be held responsible for them.
EntgeltTV-L EArbeitszeitVollzeit