Thyssenkrupp is an international group of companiescomprising largely independent industrial and technology businessesand employing more than 100,000 people. Across 56 countries itgenerated sales of €34 billion in fiscal 2020/2021. Backed byextensive technological know-how, the businesses and all employeesdevelop cost-effective and resource-friendly solutions to thechallenges of the future, especially in the fields of climateprotection, the energy transition, digital transformation in theindustry and mobility of the future. Under the umbrella brandthyssenkrupp, the group creates long-term value with innovativeproducts, technologies and services and helps make life better forfuture generations.
thyssenkrupp nucera offersworld-leading technologies for high-efficiency electrolysis plants.The company has extensive in-depth knowledge in the engineering,procurement, and construction of electrochemical plants and astrong track record of more than 600 projects with a total ratingof over 10 gigawatts already successfully installed. With its waterelectrolysis technology to produce green hydrogen, the companyoffers an innovative solution on an industrial scale for greenvalue chains and an industry fueled by clean energy - a major steptowards a climate-neutrality.