Sachbearb. (Materialverwaltung) Miesau, Germany Ausschreibungsbereich Dies ist eine Wiederausschreibung der Stellenausschreibung 24AUG0HU21TA0X349449-1. Bewerbungen auf Ausschreibung 24AUG0HU21TA0X349449-1 sind für diese Ausschreibung NICHT gültig; eine erneute Bewerbung ist erforderlich. / This is a re-announcement of vacancy announcement 24AUG0HU21TA0X349449-1. Applications for vacancy announcement 24AUG0HU21TA0X349449-1 are NOT valid for this announcement, submission of a new application is required. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ WER DARF SICH BEWERBEN? / WHO MAY APPLY? AUSSERBETRIEBLICHE Bewerber, die in Deutschland wohnhaft sind. EXTERNAL Local National Applicants, who reside in Germany. Das Gesetz über Teilzeitarbeit und befristete Arbeitsvertraege (Teilzeit- und Befristungsgesetz) untersagt die Wiedereinstellung ehemaliger Beschäftigter oder die Umsetzung derzeit Beschäftigter in befristete Stellen ohne sachlichen Grund. / The German law on part-time- and temporary employment prohibits reinstatement of former employees or placement of current employees into temporary positions without material reason. Hauptaufgaben As directed by the supervisor, plans work schedules and sequence of operations in coordination with coworkers, military key personnel, and quality assurance specialists. Plans for the availability of tools, equipment, protective clothing and equipment and expendable supplies (i.e. paint, packing material, seals, etc.), and ensures that material and vehicles used for daily work operations are properly functioning and meet prescribed standards. Coordinates the storage planning activities with other depot elements to ensure timely availability of manpower, equipment and to adhere to established safety and security requirements. Coordinates the timely preparation of informal and formal ammunition condition reports with quality assurance personnel. Ensures adherence to an even flow and distribution of work, detailed understanding of work requirements, and ensures meeting of schedules and deadlines. Recommends revision of schedules to meet changes in workload priorities, considering such factors as peak workloads, availability of manpower and processing time requirements, and assures accomplishment of assigned workload. Explains work requirements, methods, and procedures, and gives special instructions on difficult and unprecedented operations to military personnel and lower level local national employees of other staff elements supporting storage planning activities. Instructs assigned employees on safety and operational matters, and provides on-the-job training to newly assigned military personnel. Operates SDS workstation and other automated ammunition support systems. Operates a Hand Held Terminal Scanner, Terminal printer, and Portable 2D barcode scanner system and enter data into the automated data processing system. Verifies the accuracy of data entries; identifies and corrects errors. Identifies software errors and reports them to the supervisor. Assists in revision of SOP's for receiving, storage and shipment. Prepares and/or collects data and information for drawings, specifications, flow charts, line layouts related to munitions, listing all equipment, and safety/environmental requirements. Prepares report of total cost of re-warehousing activities, tonnage handled and man-hours expended and consumed. Studies and interprets general policies, directives, technical manuals and instructions from higher authority pertaining to ammunition activities. Prepares work orders for the preparation of required blocking, bracing and other mission related materials. Participates in planning, implementing and monitoring of all conventional ammunition receipts, shipment and storage. Participates in studies involving mobilization and contingency planning, ammunition support for training and war reserve stocks. Performs functions in the operation of the RSA Miesau Storage Planning Section within the framework of established ammunition storage planning policies, regulations, procedures, internal SOPs, and within the range of authority delegated by supervisor and key military personnel. Advises members of RSA Miesau organizational elements involved in the execution of required ammunition movements on the intent, coverage, and content of instructions, guides, precedents and regulations pertaining to special requirements that result from storage planning actions. Reviews magazine inspection reports and proposes corrective action in routine cases to eliminate incompatible storage or quantity distance violation. Prepares input for re-warehousing and relocation plans for operational and/or explosive devices to ensure compliance with safety regulations; consolidates tag-end lots and like items. Assists in maintaining control of all space in Miesau and Weilerbach Ammunition Storage Areas of approximately 700 storage locations; analyzes space location and obligation for various types of ammunition. Participates in storage planning for various types of ammunition and explosives, including large and small guided missiles. Maintains systems file input by posting transactions daily. Requests Plan-o-graph from the Standard Depot System (SDS) and or physically checks locations for space utilizations as directed. Recommends storage space for receipts and proposes the distribution of items to storage locations based on requisition due in; notice of ammunition arrivals at port; electronic messages and other receipt information. Utilizes approved storage planning methods under consideration of compatibility and hazard classes of items, assigned explosives limits of storage facility and prepares input to assist in achieving the most economical and efficient utilization of available storage space. Inspects selected lots for proper packaging and palletizing configuration. Coordinates work orders for shipment of items, to include blocking and bracing of MILVAN containers, considering surveillance, safety and transportation requirements and compliance with provisions of pertinent directives, technical manuals and regulatory material. Coordinates internal depot movements, e.g., re-warehousing, maintenance, classification inspection and special processing of ammunition items with shipping and receiving operations to prevent unnecessary movements and to utilize available resources most efficiently. Checks progress and completion of planned movements to ensure proper grid locations of items stored are assigned to documents. Plans and carries out routine storage planning functions and participates in inventory functions as directed by Chief, Storage Planning Section. Performs other duties as assigned. Qualifikationsanforderungen Erklärungen zu den hier aufgeführten E&T Levels (Education & Training Levels / Bildungsebenen) finden Sie unter dem Link "Description of the Education & Training Levels" / Explanations to the E&T Levels (Education & Training Levels) can be found at the link "Description of the Education & Training Levels". C-05: E&T Level I: 2 years of creditable experience as defined in A below PLUS 1 year of experience as defined in B below. E&T Level I: 2 Jahre anrechenbare Erfahrung wie beschrieben unter A, PLUS 1 Jahr wie beschrieben unter B. E&T Level II: 1 year of creditable experience as defined in A below PLUS 1 year of experience as defined in B below. E&T Level II: 1 Jahr anrechenbare Erfahrung wie beschrieben unter A, PLUS 1 Jahr wie beschrieben unter B. E&T Level III and above: No additional experience required. E&T Level III und hoeher: Keine zusaetzliche Erfahrung erforderlich. C-5a: E&T Level I: 2 years of creditable experience as defined in A below PLUS 2 years of experience as defined in B below. E&T Level I: 2 Jahre anrechenbare Erfahrung wie beschrieben unter A, PLUS 2 Jahre wie beschrieben unter B. E&T Level II: 1 years of creditable experience as defined in A below PLUS 2 years of experience as defined in B below. E&T Level II: 1 Jahr anrechenbare Erfahrung wie beschrieben unter A, PLUS 2 Jahre wie beschrieben unter B. E&T Level III: 1 year of experience as defined in B below. E&T Level III: 1 Jahr anrechenbare Erfahrung wie beschrieben unter B. E&T Level IV: No additional experience required. E&T Level IV und hoeher: Keine zusaetzliche Erfahrung erforderlich. Experience A: Included clerical work in an office or store, working with computers, bookkeeping, making and recording inventories, telephone marketing, arranging for events or as a cashier, etc. Erfahrung A: Allgemeine Buerotaetigkeit z. B. Computeranwendung, Buchfuehrung, Inventuren, Telefon- oder Organisationsarbeit oder Kassierertaetigkeit. Experience B: Experience in the same or similar line of work as the job for which considered. The experience must demonstrate that the applicant possesses the particular knowledge, skills and abilities required in the position. The predominant experience must have been gained at a comparable level of difficulty to the position to be filled. The amount of the higher level experience must be in a reasonable relation to the required total number of years. Erfahrung B: Stellenbezogene Erfahrung, die zeigt, dass der Bewerber ueber das erforderliche Wissen, sowie Kenntnisse und Faehigkeiten der zu besetzenden Stelle verfuegt. Die Erfahrung muss einen angemessenen und vergleichbaren Schwierigkeitsgrad der Taetigkeit der Freistelle aufzeigen. Der Umfang der Erfahrung in hoeherwertigen Taetigkeiten muss in einem sinnvollen Verhaeltnis zur Gesamtzahl der geforderten Jahre stehen. ⢠Bewerber müssen den Führerschein Klasse B besitzen. / Applicants must be in possession of a German driver's license class B. ⢠Kenntnisse im Umgang mit Büroanwenderprogrammen erforderlich. / Office automation skills are required. SPRACHKENNTNISSE: / LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY LEVEL: ⢠Englischlevel B1 und Deutschlevel C1 erforderlich. / English Language Proficiency level B1 AND German Language Proficiency level C1 required. Description of the Language Levels: Auswahlkriterien auswählen Generelle Informationen für LN Stellenausschreibungen - bitte lesen: / General Information for LN Job Announcements - please read: Beschäftigungsbedingungen Es handelt sich um eine befristete Vollzeitstelle (38.5 Std./Woche), nicht länger als 2 Jahre ab Einstellung./ This is a temporary full/time position (38.5 hrs./week), not to exceed 2 years date from hire. Position may be filled at the C-05 or at the full performance level, C-5A. The incumbent may be non-competitively promoted to the next higher or full performance level in accordance with regulatory requirements, upon completion of required training, and recommendation of supervisor. Die Stelle kann in der Besoldungsgruppe C-05 oder in der vollen Leistungsstufe C-5A besetzt werden. Der Stelleninhaber kann nach Abschluss der erforderlichen Ausbildung und auf Empfehlung des Vorgesetzten ohne Ausschreibung in die nächsthöhere oder volle Leistungsstufe befördert werden. ⢠Falls erforderlich, ist der Arbeitnehmer verpflichtet häufig und regelmässig Dienstreisen innerhalb und ausserhalb Deutschlands durchzuführen und regelmässig Schichtarbeit, Wochenend- und Feiertagsarbeit in erforderlichem Umfang zu leisten. / If requirement exists, the incumbent of this position is obligated to perform TDY within and outside Germany, shift work, weekend and holiday work. DAS BIETEN WIR IHNEN: - einen globalen Arbeitgeber, der für kulturelle Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit steht - ein Arbeitsverhältnis in internationalem Umfeld und kollegialer Atmosphäre - hohe Arbeitsplatzsicherheit und eine attraktive Vergütung nach deutschen Tarifverträgen (TV AL II, Schutz TV), mit u.a. folgenden tariflichen Ansprüchen: - 30 Tage Urlaub bzw. 36 bei schwerbehinderten Arbeitnehmern (zusätzlich sind gemäà Tarifvertrag der 24.12. und der 31.12. frei) - Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld (insgesamt 13 Monatsgehälter) - eine Reihe von zusätzlichen sozialen Leistungen (u. a. eine betriebliche Altersvorsorge (Allianzgruppenversicherung) und vermögenswirksame Leistungen) Ãber den Tarifvertrag hinaus - sind 8-9 US-Feiertage i.d.R. zusätzlich arbeitsfrei durch Umverteilung der Arbeitszeit (durch Betriebsvereinbarung geregelt) - bestehen betriebsinterne Regelungen zu flexiblen Arbeitszeitmodellen, mobilem Arbeiten und Prämien für Betriebszugehörigkeit und besondere Leistungen - existieren Gesundheits- bzw. Fitnessprogramme, die u.a. die kostenfreie Nutzung der betrieblichen Fitnesscenter beinhalten WE OFFER: - a global employer who stands for cultural diversity and equal opportunities - employment in an international environment with a welcoming atmosphere - high level of job security and attractive pay under German tariff agreements (CTA II; Protection Agreement) including, but not limited to, the following tariff entitlements: - 30 days of annual leave; 36 days for severely handicapped employees (additional time-off on 24 & 31 December per tariff agreement) - vacation and Christmas pay (total of 13 monthly salaries) - various additional social benefits (e.g., employer pension scheme through Allianz group insurance; property accrual payments) Beyond the tariff agreement, - usually time off on 8-9 U.S. holidays due to work hour redistribution (governed by shop agreement) - employer-specific programs for flexible work schedules; mobile work; length-of-service/performance awards - health promotion and fitness programs, including free use of employer-run fitness centers.