Based at its Headquarters in Garching, near Munich, Germany, ESO is advertising its key leadership position of Director General.
The current ESO Director General (DG) will complete his second term at the end of August 2026. Over the past decade, ESO has undergone a period of outstanding scientific, technical and organisational success, growing to 16 Member States, with Australia as a strategic partner and Chile as host state. This includes bringing the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) to an advanced stage of construction, together with its first light instruments, the continuing operation and development of the La Silla and Paranal observatories, and with its international partners, ALMA, and soon CTA. The rich scientific harvest from these activities has led to ESO's position as one of the world's most productive astronomical observatories.
ESO Council now wishes to build on this record by appointing an outstanding DG through international open competition. The main tasks for the new DG will be to manage the ESO programme, and to work with Council in developing and implementing the organisation's strategy while keeping budgets in balance. This involves sustaining ESO's leadership and excellence in astronomical science, and overseeing the completion of the ELT while at the same time maintaining the world-leading productivity of ESO's facilities. The ELT is on track for first light by the end of the decade and in addition ESO has recently initiated the Expanding Horizons programme to consider the organisation's post-ELT programme.
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