Pfor an appointment on 01 April /The professorship represents this field in research and teaching at the faculty. It teaches the fundamentals and specializations of the field in the courses of study Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Sustainable Maritime Engineering and Computational Science and Engineering. The courses should be held in German and /We are looking for a person who will shape research at the interface between modelling and computation. The focus will be on researching new approaches in as many of the following areas as possible:br /Numerical Methods in Marine and Offshore Hydrodynamicsbr /Modelling of fluid dynamic processes in plants and systems for the generation of renewable energies, in particular for maritime applicationsbr /Fluid-structure interaction, in particular wave-structure-interaction, slamming, sloshing and hydroelasticitybr /Data-driven methods in fluid /The focus here is on the development of methods for application in the context of mechanical engineering. The focus of the applications is to be on ship and offshore technologybr /In-depth cooperation with the fields of fluid mechanics, fluid mechanics, mechanics/dynamics, microfluidics, piston engines and internal combustion engines, technical thermodynamics, biomedical engineering, marine engineering, shipbuilding and marine engineering constructions as well as the willingness to cooperate scientifically with other faculties, especially with the Interdisciplinary Faculty of the University of Rostock, as well as for cooperation with industrial companies are /We are looking for a renowned scientist with extensive experience in the above named fields, whose academic achievements have led to recognition as an international expert. We expect relevant experience in third party funded research projects at national and international level, as well as in collaboration with industrial companies. Teaching aptitude is a prerequisite for appointment. Applicants are expected to describe their ideas for developing the research and teaching of the subject /Further information is available from:br /The chair of the appointment committee, Herr Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Philipp Weißgraeberbr /Telefon: 0381 498 9190br /E-Mail: a /abr /****br /Qualifications are as per § 58 of the Higher Education Act of the State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (LHG M-V): completed university studies, doctoral degree, post-doctoral thesis («Habilitation»), teaching experience or equivalent, substantial /In addition, candidates are expected to have experience and interest in developing programs that can attract and maintain external /The professorship is to be filled according to § 61 LHG M-V as a position with civil servant status for life, or, if applicable, for 5 years. It is also possible to fill the position as a regular state /The University of Rostock is committed to their university management guidelines. Equal opportunities are part of our personnel policy. The announcement is therefore aimed at all persons regardless of their gender (* gender-neutral). Disabled applicants will be given preference if all other qualifications are essentially /The University of Rostock is especially interested in promoting women within the context of § 7 (3) of the Gender Equality Act, and therefore specifically encourages applications from qualified women. Women will be given priority if their qualifications are essentially equivalent, unless reasons attributable to the person of the competitor /Applications with the usual documents (full CV, a complete list of academic and professional background, publications, teaching experience, certificates, any additional qualifications, a summary of grants and sponsored research activities and a description of future research plans) should be sent no later than 16.02.2025 to the Universität Rostock, Dekan der Fakultät für Maschinenbau und Schiffstechnik, 18051 Rostock or by e-mail to a /a (please in a single PDF file with max. 5 MB). We would like to point out that your e-mail will be sent to us /The protection of your personal information is very important to us. Therefore, the data collected during the application process will be collected, processed and used in accordance with the relevant data protection rules. /ppApplication costs cannot be reimbursed by the State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. We ask you to submit applications only in copy, as they will not be returned after the procedure has been completed. /ppa /a /p