Bist du auf der Suche nach einer neuen Herausforderung und mehr als nur einem Job? Willst du mit uns die Zukunft gestalten? Gemeinsam mit dir wollen wir die Campus Founders gGmbH weiterentwickeln. Wir suchen einen motivierten und talentierten Werkstudenten für unser Team. Dies ist eine fantastische Chance, um einen tiefen Einblick in eines der aufregendsten Startup Festivals der Region zu gewinnen.
Über uns
Wir sind Campus Founders, das Entrepreneurship- und Innovationszentrum in Heilbronn. Wir schulen, unterstützen und fördern Startups in allen Phasen ihrer Entwicklung, wir bilden Talente aus, beflügeln Unternehmergeist und Innovation. Wir punkten mit einem einzigartigen Bildungsumfeld und einem internationalen Netzwerk aus Hochschulen, Forschungs- und Bildungseinrichtungen, Top Instituten und zahlreichen Weltmarktführern. Wir agieren selbst wie ein Startup, wachsen rasant und haben Großes vor. In Heilbronn, einer der dynamischsten Städte Deutschlands– an einem Ort, der sich gerade zu Europas erfolgreichstem Zentrum für Startups und Unternehmertum entwickelt. Du bist neugierig, proaktiv und willst mehr als einen spannenden Job? Du willst eine große Zukunft mitgestalten? Willkommen im Team
Are you looking for a new challenge and more than just a job? Do you want to shape the future with us? We want to develop Campus Founders gGmbH together with you. We are looking for a motivated and talented working student to join our team. This is a fantastic opportunity to gain a deep insight into one of the most exciting startup festivals in the region. Would you like to take on responsibility in exciting projects and gain outstanding practical experience? As part of our team, you will actively take on customer support to contribute to the success of the event.
Your fields of action in a glance:
* You support your team by managing the communication channels for ticket sales of the Heilbronn Slush'D and efficiently handling incoming inquiries.
* You guide our customers throughout the entire ticket purchasing process, ensuring they feel fully supported.
* You handle incoming inquiries together with the team regarding our event app and always provide quick, solution-oriented responses.
* You assist our exhibitors with any questions before and after the festival.
You're a good fit for us if you bring the following:
* You enjoy taking on responsibility and are open and communicative.
* You thrive on interacting with people actively, apply your hands-on mentality, and think with a service-oriented approach.
* You have a keen interest in working with startups, entrepreneurship, and innovations
* The coffee machine brews the coffee here - you will receive your own sub-projects that will further your professional and personal development.
* To balance your studies and work, we are flexible in arranging your working hours.
* You will receive a compensation of 14.50 euros per hour.
* You will be part of a passionate, energetic, diverse, and international team in an exciting and enjoyable environment
We are Campus Founders, the entrepreneurship and innovation center in Heilbronn. We train, support and promote startups in all phases of their development, we educate talents, inspire entrepreneurship and innovation. We score with a unique educational environment and an international network of universities, research and educational institutions, top institutes and numerous global market leaders. We act like a startup ourselves, are growing rapidly and have big plans. In Heilbronn, one of the most dynamic cities in Germany - in a place that is currently developing into Europe's most successful center for startups and entrepreneurship. You are curious, proactive and want more than just an exciting job? You want to help shape a great future? Welcome to the