PThe Department of Physics and Astronomy at Heidelberg University and GSI invite applications for abr /FULL PROFESSORSHIP (W3) FORbr /EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS (F/M/D)br /which will be located at the Physikalisches Institut at Heidelberg University. Initially the professorship will be a joint appointment by Heidelberg University and GSI (Berliner Model), later it will be transferred to a University professorship. /ppCandidates should have a strong profile in experimental heavy-ion reaction physics. The successful candidate is expected to play an important role in the research programme of FAIR/GSI and to strengthen the ongoing activities of the Department in the ALICE experiment at the LHC. /ppThe area of responsibility encompasses both research and teaching in the field of experimental physics in its full breadth in the Bachelor's and Master's programs, as well as in the Heidelberg Graduate School for Physics, in addition to performing tasks of academic self-administration. Participation in existing andbr /planned teaching and research networks is expected. /ppPrerequisites for an application are: /pp A university degreebr / A qualified doctoratebr / Successful teaching experience and (in accordance with Article 47, Paragraph 2 of the Higher Education Law of the Federal State of BadenWürttemberg) a habilitation, a successfully evaluated junior professorship, or equivalent qualifications /ppPlease submit your application with the usual documents: /pp CV and list of publicationsbr / Statement of research interests and a brief description of future research plansbr / A summary of experience in and plans for teaching /ppas a single PDF file until 28.02.2025, to the Dean at the Department for Physics and Astronomy of Heidelberg University, Prof. Dr. André Butz, a /a. /ppHeidelberg University and GSI stand for equal opportunities and diversity. Both institutions seek to achieve a higher proportion of women in areas where they have so far not been adequately represented. Qualified female candidates are thus especially invited to apply. Persons with severe disabilities will be givenbr /preference if they are equally qualified. Information on job advertisements and the collection of personal data are available at a /a. /p