LogoThe Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and the Cluster of Excellence 'Mathematics Münster: Dynamics - Geometry - Structure' at the University of Münster, Germany, invite applications for aProfessorship (W3 level) in Pure Mathematics, Chair of Bridging the GapsWith this chair the department plans to fi ll the vacancy left by the retirement of Christopher Deninger. In addition to its vital role at the Mathematical Institute and its teaching program, the chair will play a fundamental role within the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster and the Collaborative Research Center 1442 Geometry: Deformations and Rigidity.We are seeking a mathematician with an exceptional international research profi le whose work bridges diff erent areas of mathematics and aligns with the research objectives of our Cluster of Excellence. We particularly encourage applications from researchers working at the intersection of well-established mathematical fi elds in Münster, in particular, arithmetic, topology and geometry, or those whose expertise complements the existing local strengths. Research areas at these interfaces could include, but are notlimited to, geometric representation theory and complex algebraic geometry.Prerequisites for the application are a doctoral degree in mathematics or a related fi eld, an outstanding international research profi le, and corresponding teaching experience. In addition, we expect academicachievements made as a Juniorprofessor (assistant professor), in a Habilitation (postdoctoral qualifi cation), as a member of the academic staff of a university or non-university research institute, or in a research position in business, administration or other relevant fi eld in Germany or abroad.The University of Münster strongly supports equal opportunity and diversity. We welcome all applicants regardless of sex, nationality, ethnic or social background, religion or worldview, disability, age, sexual orientation or gender identity. We are committed to creating family-friendly working conditions.We actively encourage applications by women. Women with equivalent qualifi cations and academic achievements will be preferentially considered unless these are outweighed by reasons which necessitate the selection of another candidate.Applications including a CV, list of publications, research plan, and teaching portfolio, should be submitted electronically, as a single PDF fi le, by 30 April 2025 to mathdek@uni-muenster.de.www.uni-muenster.de