Wanted at the Dept. of Medicine IV at the University Hospital Heidelberg, Medical Faculty of the University of Heidelberg, together with the Dept. of Internal Medicine I, University of Halle-Wittenberg offers the following position which will be associated to the research training group RTG2751 “Inflammatory cues as modulators of early pancreatic carcinogenesis (InCuPanC)” funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
Molecular and cellular characterization of different inflammatory triggers on early pancreatic carcinogenesis including microbiota-induced inflammatory cues using a broad spectrum of in vitro and in vivo techniques both in relevant genetic mouse models and human mucosa-associated microbiota.
Details of the associated RTG2751 consortium and other related projects can be found at www.medizin.uni-halle.de/grk2751
Completed excellent Master's degree in Life Sciences
High interest in translational cancer research
Creative and critical team player with strong problem-solving skills
Very good English skills
Goal-oriented, individual training and development opportunities
Working with the latest techniques / technical equipment
Possibility to publish scientifically is offered and supported
Regular team meetings
Partial) project management / project responsibility possible if suitable
Association to a structured post-graduate training program including various workshops and seminars supporting students and scientists in establishing a successful scientific career
Scientific exchange within groups at the University of Heidelberg, the DKFZ and the University of Halle-Wittenberg
Collectively agreed remuneration, attractive company pension scheme (VBL)
30 days vacation
Sustainable travel: job ticket
Family-friendly working environment: cooperative arrangements for childcare, subsidy for child vacation care, advice for employees with relatives in need of care
Wide range of health, prevention and sports offers