Entwickle nachhaltige Lösungen in derStromversorgung
Become part of SWBB, a leadingcompany in the supply industry as an engineer/project leadernetwork planning electricity (m/w/d) and shape the energytransition.
* Initiate,plan, control and close projects.
* Perform gridcompatibility tests and plan connections to thegrid.
* Create connection plans and technicaldocuments.
Mitwirke an innovativenProjekten:
* Participate in shaping thefuture by integrating Smart Grids.
* Analyzepossibilities for joint laying and write positionpapers.
* Develop comprehensive concepts andcoordinate Erschließungs- or Sanierungsprojekte (site developmentor renovationprojects).
* Collaborationwith internal departments and external partners for approvalplanning.
* Reserve and procure materials andsubcontractors.
* Monitorconstruction work, adhere to timelines andbudgets.
* Support statistics, reporting andfinancial planning.
Wie du unsunterstützen kannst:
* You havecompleted a degree in Electrical Engineering or comparable training(Techniker/Meister).
* Experience in gridexpansion and project management, particularly in planning anddesign.
* Knowledge of technical guidelines andlegal regulations, e.g. VDE.
* Conviction andconfident appearance.
* Organizational andconceptual strength, entrepreneurialthinking.
* Familiarity with CAD and tenderprograms, experience with grid calculation programs is aplus.
* Experience in leading projects ininfrastructure construction.