Deine Aufgaben: Du betreust die stationären Patienten auf der Hunde- und Katzenstation Du kontrollierst die Tiere nach einer Operation und behältst gemeinsam mit dem Stationsteam den Genesungsverlauf der uns anvertrauten Tiere im Blick Du applizierst Medikamente und bereitest die Tiere für den Check out an die Besitzer vor Du hast eine ruhige und besonnene Art, auch in stressigen Situationen verlierst du nicht den Überblick Du arbeitest strukturiert und setzt sinnvolle Prioritäten, dabei steht das Wohl unserer Patienten immer an erster Stelle About Us We shape the future of veterinary care, together. AniCura is one of Europe’s leading providers of high-quality veterinary care for companion animals. AniCura offers a wide range of high-quality medical services covering preventive and basic health care as well as advanced diagnostics, internal medicine, intensive care, surgery and orthopaedics. AniCura also provides rehabilitation, physiotherapy and dietary advice and offers selected pet food and care products. AniCura is present at 450 European locations and creates peace of mind for pet owners through excellent access and patient safety. Every year, AniCura’s 11 000 associates attend to more than 3.6 million companion animal patients. AniCura is a trusted training and referral body. AniCura is proud to be a part of the Mars Veterinary Health family of veterinary practices and labs. Through our network of 2,500 veterinary clinics and hospitals in over 20 countries, we support more than 70,000 associates and make industry-leading pet care available to more than 25 million pets every year. Together, we are able to provide the highest standards in pet care and achieve our collective purpose: A BETTER WORLD FOR PETS.