TÜV SÜD ARISE Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, RRG. has an immediate opening for a Senior Technical Specialist, in a remote position.
Reports to the Manager of Codes and Standards of ABIIC, RRG.
Is appointed and designated by the Manager of Codes and Standards, who has the authority and responsibility for ASME/NB inspection activities and compliance with the ABIIC QA and QC Programs.
The Senior Technical Specialist may delegate, to qualified personnel, any of the technical and/or administrative functions assigned to him in the QA/QC Program, but shall retain responsibilities for the activity.
Assist in the development, implementation and maintenance of the QA/QC Programs.
Training and educating Inspectors and District Managers relevant to their assigned responsibilities and requirements as outlined in the Quality Assurance Manual, and the Code as directed by The Manager of Codes and Standards
Assuring that inspection services are performed in compliance with the QA Program, contractual requirements, ARISE policies, Operating Procedures and the QA/QC Programs.
Resolving technical disputes regarding ASME Code compliance between ARISE Inspectors and clients. Any technical dispute that cannot be resolved by the Manager of Codes and Standards shall be referred to the President for resolution.
Assigning Supervisors and Inspectors to participate in shop or site Surveys and Reviews of ASME Certificate holders under contract as directed by The Manager of Codes and Standards
Verifying that District Managers/Supervisors perform audits of the Inspector’s activities at shop and/or field sites assigned to them.
Developing and administering training programs, (e.g. correspondence courses and training materials) required by ARISE Operating Procedures and this Quality Assurance Manual.
Assuring that training records are kept current for training of all ARISE personnel performing ASME Code inspections.
To participate on selected reviews and surveys as directed by the Manager of Codes and Standards.
Performs Authorized Inspector/Authorized Inspector Supervisor audits as directed by the Manager of Codes and Standards.
Perform the duties and responsibilities of a designated Authorized Inspector Supervisor as outlined in the ABIIC QA program. Develops and administers training programs, correspondence courses and training materials required by ARISE Operating Procedures and, Quality Assurance Program and Quality Control Program, as relates to new construction as directed by the Manager of Codes and Standards.
Answer/Respond to selected Code inquires. Assist in the indoctrination, training and development of inspection personnel and supervisors in the requirements of the ARISE Quality Assurance program, ARISE Operating Procedures and ASME/NB standards.
Attends ASME/NBIC Code meeting as directed by the Manager of Codes and Standards.
Verifying all procedures relative to authorized inspection activity is in compliance with the requirements of ASME Code requirements, ASME QAI-1 and National Board NB-263.
Reviewing of ASME QAI–1, NB-263 and applicable ASME Code Sections in order to make the necessary revisions and implement changes to this Quality Assurance Manual and Operating Procedures within six (6) months of the date of issuance. This review shall be documented by memo to file. Any proposed changes to the Quality Assurance Manual will be submitted to ASME for review and acceptance, prior to implementation and distribution to ARISE Personnel.
Ensuring that the ASME Administrator establishes and maintains a Quality Assurance Manual Distribution Log that lists all controlled Manuals, date issued and the names of assigned Manual Holders.
Providing technical support to inspection personnel.
6 years as an Authorized Inspector (National Board AI Commission) actively involved with ASME New Construction inspections – see RCI-1, 4-2.
4 years as an Authorized Inspector Supervisor (AIS with National Board “B” endorsement) actively involved in supervising AI’ s and participating in ASME Certificate Holder reviews – see RCI-1, 4-1..