* Design and implement complex and scalable web applications in the areas of Ecommerce, PIM, CMS
* Integrate component-based front-ends developed by your colleagues
* Improve and extend existing solutions
* Create automated deployment solutions, reusable packages and test
* Code with design principles in mind. OOP, SOLID, DRY are important to us.
* Optimize technical processes together with your colleagues from different departments
About us
We are the digital agency with a full-service-character with offices in Munich, Traunstein, Barcelona and Vienna. Since 2007, we have been conceiving, designing and programming individual website projects, creating sophisticated designs, developing successful advertising campaigns and much more for our clients. We not only offer individual solutions for our customers - our team also benefits from this. We have professionals working in the areas of web development, design, marketing and consulting.
Über uns
Wir sind die Digitalagentur mit Full-Service-Charakter mit Standorten in München, Traunstein, Barcelona und Wien. Bereits seit 2007 konzipieren, designen und programmieren wir individuelle Websiteprojekte, entwerfen anspruchsvolle Designs, entwickeln erfolgreiche Werbekampagnen und vieles mehr für unsere Kunden. Dabei bieten wir nicht nur für unsere Kunden individuelle Lösungen - auch unser Team profitiert davon. Bei uns arbeiten Profis in den Bereichen Webentwicklung, Design, Marketing und Beratung und Projektmanagement.