The Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources invites applications for a Full Professorship (W 3) for Fire Ecology in the Department of Forest Sciences.
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Application deadline: 6.
April 2025 Start-date: At the earliest possible date Scope of work: Fulltime position Id no.: Description The professorship represents the field of fire ecology in research and teaching.
The research focus is on forest ecosystems of the temperate zone, in particular on forest ecosystems of Central Europe, against the background of the increased forest fires to be expected in Central Europe as a result of climate change.
The professorship deals experimentally, observationally and model-based with the effects of vegetation fires on the biodiversity and functionality of forest ecosystems, with the dynamics of forest fires and with management options for reducing the risks of vegetation fires.
International networking with the aim of drawing conclusions about the situation in Central Europe through experiments in non-European regions where forest fires already occur more frequently is expressly desired.
The professorship is also expected to make important contributions to research into the adaptation of forests to global change in the joint research project "Future Forests".
In addition to representing the field of fire ecology, teaching contributions are expected in the field of disturbance ecology and land management including ecosystem restoration.
The professorship is established as an endowed professorship of the Eva Mayr-Stihl Foundation.
Prerequisites for the employment of professors are a university degree, an outstanding dissertation and an excellent publication record.
Substantial achievements and experience in academic research and teaching, at the level of a Habilitation according to the German academic system, are expected.
The following application documents are to be submitted: Curriculum vitae Certificates of degrees and academic qualifications Complete list of publications and talks, specifying the five most important publications List of current and previous projects with details of the financial volume Concept paper for future research and teaching (max.
2 pages) We will be particularly pleased to receive applications from women for the position advertised here.
The university supports individuals appointed to professorial positions through a Dual Career Service and a Family Service.
Application Please send your application including supporting documents mentioned above and the application form citing the reference number, by 6.
April 2025 at the latest.
Please send your application to the following address in written or electronic form: Vorsitzenden der Berufungskommission Dekan Prof.
Heiner Schanz Fakultät für Umwelt und Natürliche Ressourcen Universität Freiburg Hebelstr.
25/Vorderhaus 79085 Freiburg i.
Germany E-Mail: For further information, please contact Prof.
Heiner Schanz on the phone number or E-Mail .
Further information on the appointment procedure can be found in the Code for Practice for professorial appointments (in German).
General and legal remarks Full-time positions may generally be split up into two or more part-time positions, provided that there are no formal or legal barriers.
Candidates are selected in accordance with the provisions of the AGG (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz
- German General Equal Treatment Act).
Applicants with disabilities (Schwerbehinderte Menschen) will be given preferential consideration in case of equal qualification.
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Textual errors do not constitute a basis for any claims or rights.
The relevant human resources department has sole responsibility for all legal transactions made within the context of the selection and hiring process.
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