\nDEVITY entwickelt und betreibt eine Anwendung zur effizienten Konfiguration und Installation von intelligenten Geräten wie Sensoren, industriellen Computern und Maschinen, um Unternehmen in ganz Europa den Zugang zu einem sicheren Betrieb von digitalen Technologien im IoT zu vereinfachen. Als etablierte Hochschulausgründung der Universität Paderborn mit erfahrenen Software Architekten suchen wir nach passionierten Wegbegleitern für unser Wachstum.\n\n
\nHier kommst Du ins Spiel!
\nDEVITY develops and operates an application for the efficient configuration and installation of smart devices such as sensors, industrial computers and machines to simplify access to secure operation of digital technologies in the IoT for companies across Europe. As an established spin-off from the University of Paderborn with experienced software architects, we are looking for passionate fellows to help us grow.\n\n
\nThis is where you come in! As a solution architect, you'll take a key role in building our infrastructure for managing device identities and configurations. You will take ownership of technical decisions and customer requirements. In doing so, you'll work closely with other software developers, business developers and computer engineers. You unfold your talent by contributing to the following areas:\n\n
\nYou are responsible for the architecture of our web application as well as its linkage with the device software, third- party systems and the existing IT landscape of our customers. You evaluate new IoT standards, cloud technologies and protocols for transferring device identities and develop solutions for integration into the DEVITY architecture. You will maintain proof of concept implementations and design new features according to customer requirements. You translate the architecture into programming tasks for the software development team. You support the development team in the programmatic implementation and operation of our infrastructure.\n\n