NewTelco sieht sich als pragmatischer, neutraler Lösungsanbieter im Bereich Telekommunikation. Unser umfangreiches Leistungsspektrum reicht von einfachen Rackstellplätzen über die Portanmietung bis zum Komplettservice. Durch die Besetzung einer Marktnische und die strategischen Partnerschaften mit führenden Herstellern gelang es unserem Unternehmen einen „New way of telecommunications service“ zu realisieren. Um unseren Kunden auch in Zukunft einen hohen Standard zu gewähren, investiert NewTelco überdurchschnittlich in Ausbildung und Know-how.
Da unser Team stetig wächst, suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Termin in Frankfurt/Main oder Karlstein/Main eine/n Elektriker/Elektroniker Rechenzentrum (m/w/d
NewTelco GmbH is a carrier-neutral solution provider which specializes in the data center and telecommunications segment, particularly in the areas of data centre services, interconnection / managed networks, equipment and support services. Our holistic range of services ranges from a straightforward rack to complete solutions for carrier and SME business. Our range of technical services is consistently growing.
To support our technical team at our locations in Frankfurt am Main and/or Karlstein am Main we offer the position of a Data Center Engineer (m/f/d
NewTelco GmbH is a carrier-neutral solution provider which specializes in the data center and telecommunications segment, particularly in the areas of data centre services, interconnection / managed networks, equipment and support services. Our holistic range of services ranges from a straightforward rack to complete solutions for carrier and SME business. Our range of technical services is consistently growing.
To support our technical team at our locations in Frankfurt am Main and/or Karlstein am Main we offer the position of a Transmission and Network Engineer (m/f/d
) • Activation and rectification of customer servic
es • Design of customer soluti
ons • Documentation of implemented services and solut
ions • Implementation of transmission and network pro
jects • Installation and configuration of network and transmission equ
ipment • Support customers with system installations and configur
ations, • Managing and troubleshooting of OTN/DWDM/SDH and IP/MPLS networks