When travelers are searching for a hotel, we want the obvious choice to be trivago! Our leading metasearch engine is super fast and constantly optimized – enabling millions of travelers to compare hotel prices from hundreds of booking sites and find great deals in just a few clicks. We use cutting-edge technology, real-time auction, and machine learning techniques with petabytes of data to create an experience – time and money saved! In the lively city of Düsseldorf, we seize opportunities to learn everyday, innovate, and make an enduring mark on the travel industry. At trivago you will find those who aren't afraid of change but rather embrace it, turning every challenge into a pathway for growth. Join trivago, work with a great team, and grow with us!
Decisions at trivago are driven by data. With data, you can make reasoned decisions and drive positive company outcomes. Our Data Intelligence unit is at the center of all other units in the company facilitating data-driven decision making. As a Data Analyst in our Product Intelligence team, you'll have the opportunity to work with some of the richest datasets from the travel industry, drawing conclusions from A/B tests to take our product to the next level. Whether it's exploratory analysis, or evaluating feature tests, your results will empower our product teams to enhance the user experience.
If data-driven product development excites you and you're looking for a role where your insights will matter, we want to hear from you.
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