Position: Research Internship at CKI Project: Abstract Reasoning, Math problem solving Scientific supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrey Ustyuzhanin Introduction to CKI: The Constructor Knowledge Institute (CKI) intends to set the worldwide standard for research into Computer Science, AI and Machine Learning, Robotics, and Neuroscience, operating in strong contact with industry, and: Leveraging CS technologies to address challenges in various fields, delivering innovative solutions tailored to industry needs. Providing research opportunities, mentorship, and involvement in collaborative projects to young researchers and PhDs. Encouraging interdisciplinary research by fostering collaboration between diverse fields, emphasizing the integration of theoretical research with practical application Project: Abstract Reasoning, Math problem solving The goal of this project is to design and train an architecture to tackle reasoning problems akin to the Abstract Reasoning Challenge (ARC) – a set of tasks designed to evaluate machine reasoning abilities in abstract problem-solving. The AI model will be trained to understand, analyze, and solve reasoning tasks (from the ARC challenge and alike), aiming to achieve state-of-the-art performance in abstract reasoning. The project will explore the AI’s potential in handling complex, logic-based reasoning problems that require pattern recognition, inference, and generalization beyond simple memorization. Challenges / key research questions: Handle the complexity and diversity of abstract reasoning tasks. Ensure the AI model can generalize beyond memorization to solve new, unseen problems. Develop robust inference/sample test-time techniques that mimic human-like reasoning. Balance computational efficiency with model performance on large-scale tasks. Requirements: Python skills Experience with AI libraries Prompt engineering Math and data processing skills are plus