Wondering what’s within Danaher? Take a closerlook.
Danaher is a leadingglobal life sciences and diagnostics innovator committed toaccelerating the power of science and technology to improve humanhealth. We are a $24 billion company with 16 operatingcompanies and a combined total workforce of 66,000 associatesworldwide.
Look again and you’ll see theopportunity to build a meaningful career, be creative, and takerisks with the support you need to be successful. You’ll findassociates who are as certain about their impact as they are aboutwhere they’re headed next. You’ll find the Danaher Business System,which makes everything possible. You’ll also see a company thatinvestors trust—our culture of continuous improvement has helped usoutperform the S&P 500 by more than 5,000% over the past 25years.
And no matter where youlook at Danaher, at the heart of what we do, you’ll witness ourshared purpose—helping realize life’s potential—in action. Whetherwe’re supporting a life-saving vaccine development or advancing anew instrument for cancer diagnosis our work helps improve millionsof lives.
We hope you’ll seeyourself here, too. What you find at Danaher—and within yourself—might just change the world.
Danaher has amatrixed and decentralized organizational structure. With asignificant presence in Europe, Danaher’s 16 operating companies(OpCos) present a wide breadth of employee representative forums,including 50+ works councils across Europe. Germany inparticular presents a large associate population with variouslevels of employee representative relationships, including a Germanworking group with representatives from the many operatingcompanies).
Danaher is building a global Labor& Employee Relations function which includes a Center ofExcellence (LER COE) service model which provides core labour andemployee relations services to its operating companies. TheLabour and Employee Relations Lead for DACH is responsible fordriving and supporting execution of Danaher’s labour and employeerelations strategies in the DACHsub-region.
This position is a member ofthe of the Danaher Corporate HR Labour and Employee Relations (LER)EU team and will be located in Germany covering Germany, Austriaand Switzerland. The amount of travel will be around20%.
In this role,you will:
* Developtrust and collaborative relationships with HRBPs who manageemployee representative relationships (including trade unions andWorks Councils) in Germany, Austria andSwitzerland.
* Partner with Danaher’sGerman Working Group Liaison to maintain and leverage a positiveand effective relationship to drive enterprise-wide program andsystem deployments and provide leadership on enterprise initiativesand projects, including as to associate representative informationand consultation requirements.
* Prepare andreview local factory agreements to drive consistency and compliancewith LER strategy on enterprise initiatives and provide mentorship,guidance and advice on works council/union/labour relations mattersas appropriate, including establishing and/or maintaining andgrooming constructive and business-oriented partnerships withemployee representatives.
* Handle non-routinecore employee relations matters in partnership with OpCo HRbusiness partners that present complexity or higher risk or requirepolicy interpretation, including workplace investigations (anddetermination of root cause, development and recommendation ofcountermeasures as applicable), leave accommodation issues,termination matters both individual and mass layoffs, andperformance management issues
* Support OpCo HRBusiness Partners (HRBPs)/HR Generalists on routine core ERprocesses including workplace investigations, performancemanagement issues, associate employment separations (individual andmass dismissals), and performance managementissues.
Theessential requirements of the jobinclude:
* Universitydegree (undergraduate degree required, graduate degree preferred)in Law (Labour/Industrial relations), Labour Relations, Business,Human Resources, or another related field.
* 10+years of combined human resources, employee relations, laborrelations, and/or L&E legal experience in a law firm orcompany.
* Subject matter expertise and solidtechnical knowledge of fundamental labour and employment laws andlabour and employee relations landscape in Germany (Austria,Switzerland Europe generally would be aplus)
* Must be able to apply LER expertise andexperience with a pragmatic and proactive approach, balancecollaborative workplace partnerships and business interests, andinfluence and lead stakeholders.
* Excellentwritten and oral and presentation skills (English required plus alanguage from the add country coverage); able to communicateprogress, results, and guidance clearly and concisely to criticalstakeholders in a timelymanner.
Itwould be a plus if you alsopossess:
* Proventrack record of successful works council engagement andnegotiation, including execution of complex business change,restructuring, policy and projectdeployment.
* Experience managing, handling, andexecuting complex employeeinvestigations.
* Experience developing andimplementing process-oriented solutions to scale and driveconsistent LER practice andoutcomes.
AtDanaher we believe in designing a better, more sustainableworkforce. We recognize the benefits of flexible, remote workingarrangements for eligible roles and are committed to providingenriching careers, no matter the work arrangement. This position iseligible for a remote work arrangement in which you can workremotely from your home. Additional information about this remotework arrangement will be provided by your interview team. Explorethe flexibility and challenge that working for Danaher canprovide.
Join our winning teamtoday. Together, we’ll accelerate the real-life impact oftomorrow’s science and technology. We partner with customers acrossthe globe to help them solve their most complex challenges,architecting solutions that bring the power of science tolife.
For moreinformation, visit www.danaher.com .
At Danaher, wevalue diversity and the existence of similarities and differences,both visible and not, found in our workforce, workplace andthroughout the markets we serve. Our associates, customers andshareholders contribute unique and different perspectives as aresult of these diverseattributes.