At Heidelberg University, the Geographical Institute / Section Physical Geography seeks to fill a position as
PostDoc / Junior Research Group Leader (f/m/d)
The position is limited to 1 year. Desired start is 01 July 2025.
With this position the Geographical Institute enables a young researcher to explore, develop and concentrate on an own, individually chosen project on the wide field of Physical Geography. The applicant is expected (1) to use the provided research time to apply for third party funds (e.g., DFG, BMBF, ERC) in order to finance and to build up an own research group after this year, or (2) to use the position to implement and build up an independent junior research group after already having successfully raised third party research funds. Teaching is welcome but not mandatory [max. 2 hours per week (per term/semester)].
Your profile:
* University degree (PhD / Dr. rer. nat. / Dr. Ing.) in the field of Physical Geography, Geoecology, Geoarchaeology, Environmental Sciences, Geoengineering or related fields
* Experience in third party funded projects
* Experience in the application of appropriate field and lab methods and technologies
* Strong interest in interdisciplinary collaboration
* Convincing creativity and open mindedness
* Basic knowledge of the German language or the willingness to learn it for the purpose of knowledge transfer is welcome
We offer:
* Freedom, independence
* Equipped working station(s)
* Research seed fund (10.000.- €)
* Access to the infrastructures of the institute
* Integration in an open minded and very dynamic research environment
* Service as host institution
Remuneration is according to TV-L, pay grade E 13 (100%).
Please apply by submitting, merged in one PDF document, (1) a letter of motivation, (2) your CV including a list of publications, (3) a summary of or a link to your PhD thesis / dissertation, and (4) a concept for the planned research project to be hosted at Heidelberg University, Geographical Institute, by 15 April 2025 via email to the Managing Director / Secretary of the Section Physical Geography:
If you will have any questions, please contact the Managing Director of the Institute Prof. Dr. Olaf Bubenzer:
Heidelberg University stands for equal opportunities and diversity. Persons with severe disabilities will be given preference if they are equally qualified. Information on job advertisements and the collection of personal data is available at .