The company has made a name for itself by signing clients such as Deutsche Post, Lufthansa, PwC and other global businesses. They’ve enjoyed such a success because they are experts in Cloud Integration, Development & Data. The CEO of the company is a Microsoft MVP and the other 40 .NET developers and architects all share one goal – to get better day by day and to build software of the utmost quality.
The context of the task will always depend on the project you are in, but it will always include a few key technologies – C#, .NET Core/5/6, Docker, Kubernetes, Azure DevOps & API Management, Microservices, Messaging, GIT & VS.
• Everything Azure – IoT, AI, Key Vault, Data Lake, Event Grid/Hubs, WebApps, Service Bus. Also Terraform, Angular, Blazor, Dapr, Go, Vue.JS, TypeScript and more.
NET/C# and ASP.NET development – everything else can be learnt
• Fluent German skills
Every employee that joins will have the opportunity to complete the Microsoft Cloud Solution Architect certification completely for free with professional training for preparation.