The postdoctoral fellow will work under the guidance of Dr. Pascal Geldsetzer and other researchers at both Heidelberg University and Stanford University, including population health researchers, clinicians, and methodologists. The researcher will lead analyses in large-scale electronic health record data to determine the real-life effectiveness of certain medications, lifestyle advice, or health services interventions on health and health system outcomes. Electronic health record datasets are from the United Kingdom, USA, Denmark, and Germany. In addition to this core project, the research group works on a wide variety of research, with foci being medication effectiveness, health services research, and population health issues. Methods used in the group’s work include quasi-experimental techniques, descriptive epidemiology, and randomized trials. The fellow will be expected to publish in high-impact peer-reviewed journals.
The postdoctoral fellow will have the opportunity to supervise PhD, Master and Dr. med (thesis as part of medical studies in Germany) students. The fellow will also have the opportunity to teach as part of the institute’s Masters and doctoral program but will not be required or expected to do so.
The salary is paid according to the German TV-L system (the salary agreement for public service employees). As an equal opportunity employer, the HUK is committed to increase the percentage of female scientists and, therefore, especially encourages female researchers to apply. Equally qualified applicants with disabilities will be given preference. Candidates from any nationality can apply.
We are open to discussing options for part-time work or working remotely.
1. Doctoral degree with quantitative training or research experience
2. Training and experience in quasi-experimental methods is a plus
3. Strong coding skills in R, Stata, or other statistical software package
4. Good communication skills in English (knowledge of German is not necessary)
5. Target-oriented individual further education and training opportunities
6. Targeted training on the job
7. Ticket for public transport (Deutschlandticket)
8. Subsidy for holiday care for school children
9. Active health promotion
10. Company pension scheme
11. Access to the university library and other university facilities ( university sports)