Was Sie bei uns tun
To strengthen the Testlab Mobile Security department, we are looking for motivated employees with sound knowledge in the field of IT security. Tasks include deep static software analysis using newly developed tools for native iOS apps, for example. The goal is both the detection of errors and anomalies in the examined software as well as the evaluation of software quality characteristics. Here, the focus of the work is on the application and transformation of analysis approaches to the target platforms and their practical implementation. For this, we need support from motivated employees who would like to contribute their own ideas and research new methods with us.
Was Sie mitbringen
* Passion for IT security
* Sound knowledge or experience in the field of mobile security or classic IT security
* knowledge or experience in static software analysis
* Practical application experience in the field of disassemblers and debuggers
* Knowledge of processor architectures, software development, compiler construction, machine languages, or assembly
* Programming experience in several languages
* good knowledge of German and English, both written and spoken.
* A university degree in computer science, mathematics, or a related field
Was Sie erwarten können
* You will work at a renowned, internationally leading institute in the field of cybersecurity.
* You will work on innovative research and development projects with partners from industry, government, and other research institutions.
* You will receive systematic career planning with individual qualifications as well as the opportunity to pursue a PhD.
* You will work in a friendly, open, and collegial working environment with a dynamic and creative working atmosphere.
* We live in a family-friendly culture with flexible working hours and the possibility to regularly work in a home office on a daily basis.
* You will receive attractive performance- and success-based compensation components
Die Stelle ist zunächst auf 2 Jahre befristet. Eine langfristige Beschäftigung wird angestrebt. Die wöchentliche Arbeitszeit beträgt 39 Stunden. Die Stelle kann auch in Teilzeit besetzt werden. Schwerbehinderte Menschen werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt eingestellt. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass die gewählte Berufsbezeichnung auch das dritte Geschlecht miteinbezieht. Die Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft legt Wert auf eine geschlechtsunabhängige berufliche Gleichstellung. Appointment, remuneration and social security benefits based on the public-sector collective wage agreement (TVöD). Additionally Fraunhofer may grant performance-based variable remuneration components.
Mit ihrer Fokussierung auf zukunftsrelevante Schlüsseltechnologien sowie auf die Verwertung der Ergebnisse in Wirtschaft und Industrie spielt die Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft eine zentrale Rolle im Innovationsprozess. Als Wegweiser und Impulsgeber für innovative Entwicklungen und wissenschaftliche Exzellenz wirkt sie mit an der Gestaltung unserer Gesellschaft und unserer Zukunft.