„Research for a life withoutcancer“ is our mission at the German Cancer Research Center. Weinvestigate how cancer develops, identify cancer risk factors andlook for new cancer prevention strategies. We develop new methodswith which tumors can be diagnosed more precisely and cancerpatients can be treated more successfully. Every contributioncounts – whether in research, administration or infrastructure.This is what makes our daily work so meaningful andexciting.
Together withselected university partner sites, the DKFZ has established theGerman Cancer Consortium (DKTK). The alliance between the DKFZ asthe core center and the university partner sites in Berlin,Dresden, Essen/Düsseldorf, Frankfurt/Mainz, Freiburg, Heidelberg,Munich and Tübingen establishes joint translation centers at theUniversity Medical Centers of each of the partnersites.
The DKTK contributes significantly tofilling the translational gap between basic and clinical cancerresearch, thereby developing new strategies for personalizedoncology in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer. DKTKconducts transformative translational cancer research, educates thenext generation of translation-oriented medical and clinicalscientists and establishes strong pipelines towards clinical cancerresearch and the economy. Further information can be found at www.dktk.org.
TheGerman Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) is seeking for theDKTK partner site Munich from May 2025a Junior Group Leader in “Cancer SystemsBiology”.
Referencenumber: 2025-0010
Under theleadership of Prof. Martin Sos, head of the Division ofTranslational Oncology at the DKTK partner site Munich, we areseeking to appoint a junior group leader to expand our efforts inthe field of functional and computational cancer biology. Thescientific interest should match with the profile of the DKTKpartner site Munich and the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich(LMU Munich) with a focus on lung cancer and the evolution of drugresistance to support and further develop the translational cancerresearch portfolio.
The DKTK partner site Munichand the DKFZ provide access to first-class, state-of-the-art corefacilities in Munich and Heidelberg. Translational researchactivities are supported by access to large patient cohorts, highquality tumor tissue banks and excellent clinical researchfacilities. The junior group leader will be employed at the DKFZ inHeidelberg, whereas the junior group will be physically located inMunich, embedded in the Division of Translational Oncology (headedby Prof. Martin Sos; DKTK/LMU; Max-Lebsche-Platz,Munich).