Du bist fachlich voll auf der Höhe und brennst für den Beruf?
Wir suchen Dich als Facharbeiter (m/w/d) im Garten- und Landschaftsbau!
Wir suchen motivierte Fachkräfte, die Spaß an hochwertigen Gartenanlagen und tollem Teamwork haben. Gerne geben wir Quereinsteiger*innen aus anderen Berufsbildern (z.B. aus der Landwirtschaft oder :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Are you technically at the top of your game and are you passionate about your job?
We are looking for you as a skilled worker (m/f/d) in gardening and landscaping!
We are looking for motivated specialists who enjoy high-quality gardens and great teamwork. We are happy to give career changers from other careers (e.g. from agriculture or construction) a chance.
We offer you:
- Challenging & exciting projects – with us there is no 0815!
- Flexible working time models
- Extensive training and further education opportunities (including in the Pool for Nature network)
- Payment via tariff!
- Modern & high-quality equipment
- In addition, we are a great team who work together with a lot of passion and enthusiasm for gardening and landscaping.
- In addition to the redesign and maintenance of private and commercial projects, we are leaders in swimming pond and natural pool