Position at LHH (Global)
Business Development Manager Germany – LHH CTM & LD
Then Lee Hecht Harrison offers the perfect opportunity to work for a truly Global Market Leader committed to on-going development and sustainable success. This is an exciting time to join Lee Hecht Harrisonwithourbroadeningfootprintandexpandingproductrangeofferingourclientsacompleteset of integrated Talent Management Solutions. We are looking for a talented salesperson, with a background in selling at the highest level within the HR Function.
As workforces continue to transform, LHH’s market-leading Learning and Development Solutions are proven and trusted capabilities for our customer’s core business and talent operations. Whether they need a fully integrated suite of global coaching and assessment solutions, redeployment strategies, careerdevelopmentortransitionsolutionsLHHdeliversawiderangeoftailoredsolutionsforthelargest and most complex global organizations.
Asahighperforming,experiencedHRsalesexpertatLHHyouaretheoneclientturntointimesofneed.You are confident in selling Talent Solutions to senior executives and will apply your sharp business insight and comprehension as you present LHH solutions to enterprise clients and prospects within the German market. You will have subject matter expertassistance across LHH’s suite of services, allowing you to provide prospects and clients with comprehensive and tailored solutions.
Reporting Relationships:
1. Sales Director Germany & Poland
Direct Reports:
2. No direct reports
3. Germany
4. Hybrid work model
5. Within Germany
6. English fluent
7. German native/business proficient
In this role you can expect to
8. As a Business Developer Manager, your primary role will be to develop a sales strategy to increase share of wallet across a dedicated set of prospects and convert new business target logos.
9. TheabilitytotranslateHR/talent-basedrequirementsintoabusiness-drivenLHHsolution, which aligns with the business strategy of our clients.
10. BuildstrongrelationshipsinternallyacrossfunctionalgroupswithinLHHwhereanopenand team-oriented culture exists
11. PrimaryjobdutyistosellCTM&LDtalentmanagementservicestoexistingclientsand prospective customers
12. Managesalesprocessfromaccountstrategy,andplanningthroughexecutionofthesales
13. DevelopsolutionproposalsencompassingLHH’sentiresuiteof
14. Participateinthedevelopment,presentationandclosingofthesale
15. Negotiatepricingandcontractualagreements.
16. IdentifyanddevelopstrategicalignmentwithLHHcolleagues,SMEsandinfluencersasneeded to win new business
17. Workisnon-routineandverycomplex,involvingthecomprehensionofHRbuyingcentersas well as advanced business skills
18. Successfulsalestrackrecordofcomplexselling
19. Demonstratedabilitytopenetrateaccountsandmeetwithseniorstakeholders
20. Teamplayerwithstronginterpersonal,communicationandpresentationskills
21. Excellentnegotiationandclosingskillswithprospects/customers
All About You
22. Background in selling customized business solutions within the consulting environment (ideally HR, talent management, coaching, HRIS, assessments, change management, workforce transformation).
23. Practice in different sales techniques which include face-to-face, social selling and large presentations.
24. Background in selling across all lines of businesses within large organizations.
25. Strong communication and presentation skills
26. Ability to take a leading sales role, influencing virtual global teams and executing successful sales strategies.
27. Background in hunting for new business, prospecting over a large territory Experience 3
What we offer
28. Growth opportunities within a HR Solutions global leader
29. We prioritize learning to stay agile in an increasingly competitive business environment
30. We foster an open-minded environment where people spark new ideas and explore alternatives
31. Additional benefits including PTO, Paid Holidays, and more
32. Contract Type: Permanent unlimited
About LHH
The world of work is ever-changing and unpredictable. Organizations are constantly fighting a battle to find and maintain their competitive advantage: their talent. To succeed, they can’t just rely on what works today, working tomorrow. They need to be ready for next.
LHH exists to help individuals, teams, and organizations find and prepare for what’s next. With integrated, end-to-end solutions that include Advisory, Professional Recruitment, Career Transition, and Learning & Talent Development, we are uniquely positioned to work together to make a positive impact on the future of every person we work with at every key career moment.
LHH is at the forefront of change to build a bigger, bolder workforce. Every day is a new day to prepare for, and we’re here to make sure the future works for everyone.
A division of the Adecco Group – the world’s leading HR solutions provider – LHH’s 8,000 colleagues and coaches work with 15,000 organizations in over 60 countries around the world. We successfully help close to 500,000 candidates to enhance their careers every year. Our local expertise, global infrastructure, and industry-leading technology allow us to manage the complexity of critical workforce initiatives and the challenges of transformation. It’s why most of the Fortune Global 500 companies choose to work with us.
This is LHH.
Ready for Next.
LHH is an Equal Opportunity Employer.