Job Description
Sustainability accounting and reporting are crucial elements of the governance of the company. The role shaping the dynamic field of sustainability reporting which is developing at a high speed following evolving regulations like CSRD, ESRS and EU Taxonomy.
1. Define frameworks for sustainability accounting
2. Manage key processes for sustainability accounting
3. Elaborate processes for quantitative sustainability disclosures & metrics
4. Documentation of sustainability accounting and data collections
5. Consolidation of quantitative sustainability disclosures & metrics
6. Ensure conformity of quantitative sustainability disclosures & metrics with reporting requirements
7. Coordination of diverse functions responsible for respective quantitative sustainability disclosures & metrics
8. Contribute to the annual sustainability report
9. Definition and execution of controls ( plausibility checks)
10. Manage sustainability assurance process related to quantitative sustainability disclosures & metrics
11. Maintain the network for sustainability accounting
12. Several years of experience in Sustainability Reporting & Accounting regulations and standards (CSRD, ESRS, EU Taxonomy, HGB, ...)
13. Several years of experience in data collections and consolidation
14. Experience with external assurance processes
15. Experience in leading business processes
16. Experience in matrix roles, project and stakeholder management
17. Experience in managing dynamic workload
18. Proficient skills in data management and data tools (incl. Excel)
19. German and English language skills
20. Working style combining a focus on details as well as keeping a highly structured overview
21. Instrinsic motivation to navigate in highly complex processes and requirements
22. Advanced communication skills
Applications from severely handicapped people are welcome
Additional Information
Continental turns change into opportunity, also by embracing sustainability. We commit to visionary ambitions and provide solutions matching the speed of our customers, industries & markets while following a systematic management approach based on applicable regulations and international standards.
Group Sustainability at Continental AG is managing the sustainability governance and reporting of Continental.