Wir suchen zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt einen Apotheker (m/w/d) in Voll- oder Teilzeit ab 20 Stunden pro Woche.
Unsere Apotheke liegt zentral im Dorf Milow, nahe der Kreisstadt Rathenow. Wir sind eine freundliche, beratungsintensive und rezepturbezogenen Apotheke, die QMS zertifiziert ist.
Thats why we are looking for a pharmacist (m, f, d) for our beautiful pharmacy in the countryside
Do you want to move to us in the countryside? We will be happy to help you find accommodation.
We are very happy about returnees or career starters!
For applicants who have their permanent residence abroad: The International and Specialized Services will help you find a job in Germany. We are a department of the German Federal Employment Agency. Our service is free of charge.