Working Student (all genders welcome) for Research & Development
Bönen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany — thyssenkrupp nucera AG Co KGaA
* Vertragsart: Part-time, Limited
* Einstiegslevel: Student job
* Home Office: Possible
* Einsatzbereich: Engineering & Science
* Status: Laufende Rekrutierung, Eintrittsdatum flexibel
* Veröffentlichung: 25.02.2025
* Stellen-ID: DE_DT_nucera00466
* You support the development of different electrolysis products (focus cell element and components).
* You work with R&D engineers on the qualification process of AWE cell components
* You contribute to innovative and scientific solution to various analytical measurement
* You support the work in laboratory, e.g. operation of laboratory devices and equipment
* You support the analysis and evaluation of test results, and preparation of test report
* You prepare the transfer of these innovative laboratory processes into commercial application
* You are highly motivated to gain insights into the green hydrogen business
* You are currently enrolled in a Master’s program in analytical chemistry, chemical engineering or similar
* You have knowledge in analytic equipment and hands-on experience in chemical laboratory
* You also have good analytical and structuring skills, you develop fast alternative results
* You have a self-reliant working style, are creative and reliable.
* You are a team player
* You can react flexibly to changing conditions and adapt quickly
Das bieten wir
As a working student, you benefit from many advantages that not only make your day-to-day work easier, but also promote your personal and professional development. Our benefits include:
* Flexible working hours:
o We offer flexible working hours, individual home office options and flexitime accounts
* Hybrid working:
o Depending on the project, you can work in the office or from home
* Personal and professional development:
o Support and targeted coaching from experienced colleagues and superiors
o Flat hierarchies enable a high level of personal development
* Insights into exciting projects:
o Work on real projects that create real added value and take on responsibility right from the start
* Networking opportunities:
o Make valuable contacts with colleagues and managers
* Career opportunities:
o Possibility of being taken on as a working student or a permanent position after the internship
* Modern workplace:
o Workplace with the latest technology in a new office building
o Access to the nu | lounge with games console, table football, massage chairs, etc.
If that’s not enough for you: by working on green hydrogen technologies, we are ensuring clean energy for the future. Be a part of it: new era is you.
Svea Brü
Das ist uns wichtig
* Sicherheit & Gesundheit - Höchste Standards für Arbeitssicherheit sowie vielseitige Gesundheitsförderung und -vorsorge.
* Altersvorsorge - Wir unterstützen Dich individuell mit verschiedenen Modellen.
* Zusammenhalt - Kollegialität ist uns enorm wichtig – wir begegnen einander mit Respekt, Anerkennung und Wertschätzung.
* Weiterbildung - Du entwickelst dich durch Schulungs- und Fortbildungsangebote fachlich wie persönlich.
* Vergütung - Faire Arbeitsbedingungen und eine wettbewerbsfähige Vergütung als wichtige Basis.
* Vielfalt - Wir fördern eine offene und tolerante Arbeitskultur.
* Familie & Beruf - Familie & Beruf: Mit der Work-Life-Balance im Blick garantieren wir geregelte Arbeitzeiten.
* Gestaltungsfreiheit - Ein freies Arbeitsumfeld mit einer gesunden Fehlerkultur, in dem Du neue Lösungen ausprobieren kannst
* Flexibilität - Flexibilität: Wir unterstützen bspw. durch flexible Arbeitszeiten, Homeoffice-Angebote und Optionen unterschiedlicher Auszeiten.
* Nachhaltigkeit - Wir handeln verantwortungsvoll und umweltbewusst.
* Onboarding - Onboarding: Individuelle und persönliche Angebote zum Start in den Job.
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