Einleitung A PhD position is available at the Hector Institute for Translational Brain Research (HITBR) at the Central Institute of Mental Health (ZI) in Mannheim, Germany. Interfacing fundamental stem cell biology, translational research, functional assessment and multi-OMICs analyses of human brain cells, the project will employ changes associated with neuropsychiatric disorders using human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cellular models (2D and 3D cerebral organoids). The position should start as soon as possible and is for a period of 3 years, with the possibility of an extension. The ideal candidate will be a highly motivated, team-oriented graduate, capable of independent working with a strong interest in neurobiology, psychiatry, stem cell research, biotechnology and disease modeling. Experience with cell culture techniques, microscopy, biochemistry or molecular biology techniques is advantageous. Candidates should hold a diploma or a master’s degree in biology, molecular biomedicine, biotechnology, or a related subject. We offer supportive mentoring, comprehensive training in an innovative field of science, a highly stimulating environment and well-equipped laboratories featuring the latest cell reprogramming, neural differentiation, physiology and bioengineering technologies. The HITBR is associated to the ZI and additionally to the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) located in nearby Heidelberg with the most modern and state-of-the-art research and multi-OMICs profiling facilities available. The PhD position will be integrated into the grad programs of the University of Heidelberg, Faculty of Biosciences. Successful candidates will be awarded a PhD. Salary will be according to the German salary scale TV-L E13 (65%). The CIMH is an equal opportunity employer Please email a brief statement of your research interest, a CV including academic transcript(s), and names and contact details of two references to: Prof. Philipp Koch Hector Institute for Translational Brain Research (HITBR) Central Institute of Mental Health University of Heidelberg Medical Faculty Mannheim J5 68159 Mannheim philipp.koch (at) zi-mannheim. de Aufgaben see above Qualifikation see above