Apprentice Surface Refinement Location: Eschenbach, DE, 92676 Job Category: Human Resources Shift: Shift FS Full Time / Part Time: Part-Time Job Level: Approximate Travel: 0% Job Description: Summary: Wir suchen Dich als Oberflu00e4chenbeschichter (m/w/d): Ausbildungsdauer: 3 Jahre Berufsschule: Nu00fcrnberg - Blockschule 12 Wochen/ Jahr Weiterbildungsmu00f6glichkeiten: Finanziell gefu00f6rderte Weiterbildung fu00fcr Meister, Techniker, Fachwirt, Studium Benefits: Faire Vergu00fctung Familiu00e4res Arbeitsklima Corporate Benefits Pru00e4mien fu00fcr gute schulische Leistungen VWL & betriebliche Altersvorsorge 36 Stundenwoche Azubi- und Mitarbeiterevents Weihnachts- und Urlaubsgeld 30 Urlaubstage Kantine Essential Functions: Ausbildungsschwerpunkte: Oberflu00e4chenbehandlung/-veredelung Arbeiten an galvanischen Anlagen Qualitu00e4tsmessungen/-pru00fcfungen Erstellen von Statistiken Qualifications: Gewu00fcnschte Eigenschaften: Verstu00e4ndnis fu00fcr physikalisch-chemische Zusammenhu00e4nge Pru00fcfen, Messen und Dokumentieren Selbstu00e4ndigkeit Fu00e4higkeit zur Teamarbeit Englischkenntnisseu200b Benu00f6tigte Schulbildung: Mittlere Reife / Mittelschulabschlussu200b Additional Qualification Details: No additional requirement needed Who We Are and What We Are All About: Rogers Corporation makes tomorrow's innovations possible. Help build a cleaner, safer and more connected world with a career at Rogers, where we make tomorrowu2019s innovations possible. We rely on a talented workforce to develop our cutting edge, market-leading material technologies. Our global team develops innovative specialty materials and components that enable technology in a wide array of high-growth markets. Our customers expect high performance and reliability, so we are always looking for people who can improve processes, get results and represent a best-in-class organization. People are at the heart of all our operations, and we encourage our employees to act with integrity, creativity and excellence to help drive results worldwide. Why Work for Rogers: It is our commitment to get u201cResults, but Results the Right Way.u201d Rogers offers an exceptional work environment and a value-driven culture modeled by leadership. Employees have access to developmental opportunities as well as top-notch benefits and incentive programs. Come join a winning team Rogers Corporation provides equal employment opportunities to minorities, females, veterans and disabled individuals, as well as other protected groups. About Rogers Corporation: At Rogers Corporation (NYSE:ROG), we're changing how the world uses technology. We are a global leader in materials technology and manufacturing, producing engineered materials to power, protect and connect our world. With nearly 200 years of materials science and engineering experience, Rogers delivers high-performance solutions that enable global Advanced Electronics Solutions and Elastomeric Material Solutions, as well as other technologies where reliability is critical. Rogers enables the worldu2019s leading innovators to achieve greater performance, speed to market and reliability through our renowned technical solutions support, problem-solving and application engineering capabilities. Rogers delivers market-leading solutions for energy-efficient motor drives, vehicle electrification and alternative energy, sealing, vibration management, and impact protection in mobile devices, transportation interiors, industrial equipment and performance apparel, wireless infrastructure and automotive safety and radar systems. Headquartered in Chandler, Arizona (USA), Rogers operates manufacturing facilities in the United States, China, Germany, Belgium, Hungary and South Korea, with joint ventures and sales offices worldwide. For more information, visit .