The research group Micropalaeontology and Palaeoceanography at MARUM invites applications for a postdoctoral position investigating the response of marine biodiversity to climate change on long time scales with the ultimate goal to use this knowledge in the design of climate-smart marine protected areas. Working within a large interdisciplinary consortium, the candidate will analyse existing compilations of microfossil abundance time series and generate new data from marine sedimentary records on Quaternary planktonic foraminifera biodiversity dynamics. The consortium in which the project is embedded includes experts in theoretical ecology, modelling and social science. It aims to advise the German federal government on the protection of marine biodiversity outside national jurisdiction. Knowledge transfer into the policy sphere is thus a key component of the project and the candidate is expected to actively contribute to this process.
1. Completed scientific university degree (master’s degree/university diploma or comparable) in Earth or Life Sciences or a related subject area
2. A doctoral degree (PhD) in the (palaeo)ecology or micropalaeontology or related fields
3. Knowledge of macroecological principles and methods
4. Experience with the analysis of micropalaeontological and/or palaeoceanographic time series, ideally with emphasis on planktonic foraminifera
5. Experience with scientific programming (R or equivalent) and affinity to work with large, complex datasets
6. Applicants should have excellent English language skills and enjoy working in an international and interdisciplinary team