The Generali Operations Service Platform (GOSP) supports the Generali Group in optimizing its digital services, its service quality and the creation of synergies. GOSP uses common technology platforms for the Group. As a joint venture partner, Accenture provides expertise to support transformation, innovation and scaling. GOSP develops solutions for digitalization and the introduction of a cloud-centric model. GOSP includes IT infrastructure, procurement, and security operations, among others.
That is the job
Are you looking for a company that cares about the future of its customers and employees? An employer that promotes diversity, continuous learning and open cooperation? And are you interested in the IT area of infrastructure? Then apply for a job with us!
We provide innovative IT infrastructure services for companies in the international Generali Group. Our core competencies are the development of customer-oriented solutions as well as the stable and efficient operation of IT infrastructure services, i.e. servers, networks, telephony/call centers, workplace environments and mobile solutions.
The Unit is responsible for:
1. Definition of workplace strategy for customers of Region DE and EMEA
2. Development, configuration and continuous improvement of the core Microsoft-based Client-Infrastructure for physical and virtual IT-workplaces
3. Competence Center for Microsoft Office tool suite
4. Development, configuration and continuous improvement of the Software distribution infrastructure
Your tasks include:
5. Design, implementation and continuous improvement of the group wide virtual desktop solutions
6. Management and improvement of the Generali Citrix infrastructure
7. Build, management and continuous improvement of Generali’s new Windows 365 and Azure Virtual Desktop solutions
8. Last Level Support in the workplace environment (for virtual workplaces)
9. Support and consult customers and projects on workplace solutions
10. Change implementation in the virtual workplace infrastructure on prem and on (Microsoft) cloud
11. You have successfully completed an IT degree and/or have many years of professional experience in IT Workplace Management
12. You have several years’ experience operating large virtual workplace environments with more than 10.000 Users
13. You have deep technical knowledge in Workplace Management with focus on virtual workplace technologies
14. You have hands on experience with Citrix based Infrastructure (PVS, WEM, Netscaler Gateway) and/or MS Azure and MS Intune
15. You have experience with Microsoft AVD and/or W365
16. You have deep analytical and conceptual skills as well as quick perception of complex systems
17. You are self-sufficient and have a detailed work style with a clear view on priorities
18. You think and act entrepreneurially
19. You are enthusiastic about working in a highly committed team in a highly dynamic, international IT environment
20. As a team player, you can organize assigned tasks by yourself and have experience of working in a complex and international environment
21. You are fluent in written and spoken German and English (Level B2)
Die Arbeitswelt wird immer komplexer und die Anforderungen an unsere Kolleginnen und Kollegen steigen. Somit gewinnt das Work-Life-Management zunehmend an Bedeutung. Wir unterstützen mit modernen Arbeitsmodellen dabei, das Berufs- und Privatleben miteinander zu vereinbaren.
Mit vielfältige Angeboten unterstützen wir die Aus- und Weiterbildung unserer Mitarbeitenden, als App auch mobil. Unsere Talentprogramme fördern die berufliche Weiterentwicklung unserer Kolleginnen und Kollegen und bietet für jede Zielgruppe maßgeschneiderte Möglichkeiten.
Gesundheit und Fitness
Die Gesundheit unserer Kolleginnen und Kollegen liegt uns am Herzen - we care. Daher unterstützen wir diese mit vielen verschiedenen Vorsorge-, Sport-, Versicherungs- und Therapieangeboten
We are Generali. In diesem Sinne fördern wir die Möglichkeit zum Netzwerken mit Kolleginnen und Kollegen auch über direkte Arbeitsbereiche hinaus.
Ziel unserer Personalstrategie ist es, eine leistungsgerechte und faire Vergütung sicherzustellen. Erfolgsabhängige Bonuszahlung, betriebliche Altersvorsorge und diverse Vergünstigungen stellen attraktive Zusatzleistungen dar.
Egal ob mit Mitarbeiterkonditionen für Versicherungs- und Finanzprodukte oder Corporate Benefits – unsere Kolleginnen und Kollegen profitieren von einer Vielzahl an Rabattmöglichkeiten und Zuschüssen.
Personal contact
Questions? Get in touch with our Career-Team per phone:
+49 (0)221/1636 56650