Technische/r Angestellte/r (Gebaudetechnik) (m/w/d)
Stuttgart, Germany
This is a re-announcement of vacancy announcement 22OCT0HR006A0X007790-3. Applications for vacancy announcement 22OCT0HR006A0X007790-3 are not valid for this announcement, submission of a new application is required.
Dies ist eine Wiederausschreibung der Stellenausschreibung 22OCT0HR006A0X007790-3. Bewerbungen auf Ausschreibung 22OCT0HR006A0X007790-3 sind für diese Ausschreibung nicht gültig; eine erneute Bewerbung ist erforderlich.
INNERBETRIEBLICHE Arbeitnehmer in Deutschland. Dies umfasst alle ortsansaessigen Beschaeftigten der US Streitkraefte, einschliesslich US Air Force und AAFES-Europe, innerhalb Deutschlands
Current INTERNAL Local National Employees throughout Germany. This covers all current Local National employees of the U.S. Forces in Germany, including U.S. Air Force and AAFES-Europe within Germany.
AUSSERBETRIEBLICHE Bewerber, die in Deutschland wohnhaft sind.
EXTERNAL Local National Applicants, who reside in Germany.
Establishes preliminary plans or sketches for discussion with supervisor or subject
matter experts. Serves as construction site and project manager for electrical repair
projects and as such is responsible for high quality execution and final billing. Prepares
project specifications and necessary documentation for submission to the servicing
contracting office, and oversees the design and construction of such projects under the
guidance of Electrical Engineering Technicians. As required, determines warranty
application for subsequent deficiencies.
Monitors and inspects repair and maintenance work of contracted personnel on elevators,
cranes, lightning protection systems as well as control and communication systems.
In all phases or work involvement, consideration is given to energy conservation,
environmental, occupational safety, and health regulations.
Reviews and studies plans and drawings for maintenance and repair type projects of
electrical facility equipment and makes interpretations of same, referring unique, unusual
aspects or discrepancies in drawings or specifications to supervisor. Checks plans,
specifications, drawings, cost estimates and other supporting material for completeness,
consistency, and adequacy in accordance with existing requirements. Assists Contract
Support and Engineering Services Branches in technical matters of design deficiencies
and in the preparation of original designs for electrical equipment and facility systems.
Collects, administers and archives required deliverables and as-built documentation of
contractual services.
Develops scopes for maintenance and repair work projects designs and cost estimates
for electrical equipment and facility components and establishes bills of material.
Receives assignments in the form of a work request (DA Form 4283) or individual job
order (IJO) for work. Reviews engineering service requests and determines what is
needed to fulfill intent of requests.
Reviews all engineering drawings, plans, specifications, standards, regulations and other
applicable references. Develops a detailed scope of work which specifically addresses
the work requested. Discusses requirements of the request with using activity. Resolves
all questions or conflicts with IJO before proceeding with project.
As a member of a working group, responds to facility engineering violations or
operations problems. Calls and notifies appropriate personnel, as required, to solve or
alleviate the problem. Initiates necessary actions, documents findings, coordinates with
senior engineer as necessary, and submits completed action/product to supervisor.
Assist Installation Energy Manager in implementing applicable energy management
Performs other duties as assigned.
Description of the Education & Training Levels:
E&T Level I: 2 years of creditable experience as defined in A below PLUS 4 years of experience as defined in B below.
E&T Level I: 2 Jahre anrechenbare Erfahrung wie beschrieben unter A, PLUS 4 Jahre wie beschrieben unter B.
Current employees who do not meet E&T Level I and who are not in the same or similar occupation must have 2 additional years of creditable experience as described in A below.
Innerbetriebliche Arbeitnehmer, die den E&T Level I nicht haben und zur Zeit nicht in einer gleichen oder aehnlichen Stelle arbeiten, benoetigen 2 Jahre zusaetzliche Erfahrung wie beschrieben unter A.
E&T Level II: 1 years of creditable experience as defined in A below PLUS 4 years of experience as defined in B below.
E&T Level II: 1 Jahr anrechenbare Erfahrung wie beschrieben unter A, PLUS 4 Jahre wie beschrieben unter B.
E&T Level III: 3 years of creditable experience as defined in B below.
E&T Level III: 3 Jahre anrechenbare Erfahrung wie beschrieben unter B.
E&T Level IV: 2 years of creditable experience as defined in B below.
E&T Level IV: 2 Jahre anrechenbare Erfahrung wie beschrieben unter B.
E&T Level V: 1 year of creditable experience as defined in B below.
E&T Level V: 1 Jahr anrechenbare Erfahrung wie beschrieben unter B.
Current employees who have served one year in the same or similar occupation are qualified for the next higher grade.
Innerbetriebliche Arbeitnehmer, die bereits 1 Jahr im gleichen oder aehnlichen Taetigkeitsbereich beschaeftigt sind, qualifizieren fuer den naechst hoeheren Bezahlungsgrad.
Experience A: Included clerical work in an office or store, working with computers, bookkeeping, making and recording inventories, telephone marketing, arranging for events or as a cashier, etc.
Erfahrung A: Allgemeine Buerotaetigkeit z. B. Computeranwendung, Buchfuehrung, Inventuren, Telefon- oder Organisationsarbeit oder Kassierertaetigkeit.
Experience B: Experience in the same or similar line of work as the job for which considered. The experience must demonstrate that the applicant possesses the particular knowledge, skills and abilities required in the position. The predominant experience must have been gained at a comparable level of difficulty to the position to be filled. The amount of the higher level experience must be in a reasonable relation to the required total number of years.
Erfahrung B: Stellenbezogene Erfahrung, die zeigt, dass der Bewerber ueber das erforderliche Wissen, sowie Kenntnisse und Faehigkeiten der zu besetzenden Stelle verfuegt. Die Erfahrung muss einen angemessenen und vergleichbaren Schwierigkeitsgrad der Taetigkeit der Freistelle aufzeigen. Der Umfang der Erfahrung in hoeherwertigen Taetigkeiten muss in einem sinnvollen Verhaeltnis zur Gesamtzahl der geforderten Jahre stehen.
Office automation skills required. / Kenntnisse im Umgang mit Büroanwenderprogrammen erforderlich.
Bewerber müssen den Führerschein Klasse B besitzen und in der Lage sein, den Militärführerschein zu erlangen und behalten. / Applicant must be in the possession of a valid driver's license class B and must be able to obtain/maintain a military motor vehicle operator's license.
Englischlevel B1 und Deutschlevel C1 erforderlich.
Sie finden zahlreiche Testanbieter online, die Tests für die Sprachniveaustufen nach dem Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmen anbieten.
English Level B1 and German Language Proficiency Level C1 required.
You may test yourself free at one of the various online providers, who offer tests under the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Description of the Language Levels:
Auswahlkriterien auswählen
Generelle Informationen für LN Stellenausschreibungen - bitte lesen: /
General Information for LN Job Announcements - please read:
• Situational teleworking possible. / Situationsbedingte Telearbeit möglich.
- a global employer who stands for cultural diversity and equal opportunities
- employment in an international environment with a welcoming atmosphere
- high level of job security and attractive pay under German tariff agreements
(CTA II; Protection Agreement) including, but not limited to, the following tariff entitlements:
- 30 days of annual leave; 36 days for severely handicapped employees (additional time-off on 24 & 31 December per tariff agreement)
- vacation and Christmas pay (total of 13 monthly salaries)
- various additional social benefits (e.g., employer pension scheme through Allianz group insurance; property accrual payments)
Beyond the tariff agreement,
- usually time off on 8-9 U.S. holidays due to work hour redistribution (governed by shop agreement)
- employer-specific programs for flexible work schedules; mobile work; length-of-service/performance awards
- health promotion and fitness programs, including free use of employer-run fitness centers
Wir bieten Ihnen:
- eine interessante Tätigkeit bei einem weltweit agierenden Arbeitgeber
- ein für Arbeitnehmer großzügig ausgestalteter Tarifvertrag (TV AL II für Arbeitnehmer der Stationierungsstreitkräfte) der u.a. folgenden Leistungen garantiert:
- attraktives Vergütungspaket
- Weihnachts- und Urlaubsgeld (zusammen entsprechend ca. in Höhe eines 13. Monatsgehalts)
- Arbeitgeberfinanzierte betriebliche Altersversorgung (Allianz Gruppenversicherung)
- Vermögenswirksame Leistungen (VWL)
- 30 Urlaubstage (bei einer Fünftagewoche), 6 zusätzliche Urlaubstage für schwerbehinderte Arbeitnehmer.
- darüber hinaus bieten wir übertariflich u.a.:
- Großzügig ausgestaltetes Auszeichnungsprogramm für lange Dienstzeiten und überragende Leistungen
- Kostenlose Nutzung der Fitnesseinrichtungen der U.S. Armee (sofern vorhanden)