Your workingenvironment
AtMAN Truck & Bus, we are part of a strong international team andone of Europe's leading commercial vehicle manufacturers andproviders of transportation solutions. Together with the Scania,Volkswagen Truck & Bus, and International, we are part of theTRATON GROUP.
As part of this group, we face majorchallenges: Our vehicles are becoming increasingly autonomous andconnected in order to reduce emissions on the road. We are workingon sustainable solutions for this. A career at MAN Truck & Busoffers countless opportunities to participate in this change.Putting the customer first, respect, team spirit, responsibilityand avoiding waste - these are the corporate values we live by atMAN.
Pull together with us. As part of our globalteam of over 36,000 employees, you will join us in turning visionsof the future into reality.
We see the individuality ofour employees as a strength and welcome diverse applications frompeople with different backgrounds. If you need support during yourapplication, please contact us.
As "Software Engineer for Android Automotive OS(AAOS)" you will develop and integrate basic software componentsand thus strengthen our team, which is organized according to agilemethods. The team is responsible for the platform basic softwareand middleware, which is used in the strategically important MANcore control units. Your area of responsibility also includes theimprovement and further development of processes, methods and toolswithin BSW development and capability for application developers tointegrate their functions efficiently. You will have close contactand interfaces with the teams and departments of FunctionalArchitecture, Functional Development, HW Development, SWIntegration and the different test teams.