Job ist nicht gleich Job. Er soll zu dir passen, dich fordern und angemessen bezahlt sein. Das sehen wir auch so, deswegen bringt PAMEC dich mit den Unternehmen zusammen, die wirklich zu dir passen. Wenn du deinen Job liebst, machen wir unseren richtig – und das seit 1984.
We are seeking a Project Engineer PSCAD (gn) for our client, a globally operating company across the entire energy value chain
Arbeitgeberleistungen / Unternehmensangebot
1. Permanent employment contract
2. Above-standards and reliable salary payment
3. Holidays and Christmas bonuses
4. Individual support from a permanent contact person
5. Long-term assignments in the customer company with takeover option
6. Premium payment "Employees recruit Employees"
Your tasks:
7. Supervising the performance and project management facets of studies concentrated on the analysis of electrical power systems, network planning, and grid development.
8. Planning and executing analyses on electrical power systems, formulating network structures, simulating electrical power systems, and modeling diverse electrical network elements, encompassing power electronics.
9. Coordinating and aligning engineers from varied technical groups and virtual teams within a multicultural setting.
10. Incorporating power electronic devices, renewable generation, storage devices, etc., into AC grids through conceptual studies, feasibility studies, tender studies, and project execution.
11. Managing the coordination of external partners and subcontractors in project execution.
12. Master's degree in electrical power engineering from a university
13. Proficient knowledge in common power system simulation programs (e.g., PSS/E, PowerFactory, PSCAD/EMTDC)
14. Effective communication skills in both business-level English and German
15. Initiative, creativity, analytical and strategic thinking, teamwork, customer orientation, and working within intercultural teams define your preferred working environment.
Job ist nicht gleich Job. Er soll zu dir passen, dich fordern und angemessen bezahlt sein. Das sehen wir auch so, deswegen bringt PAMEC dich mit den Unternehmen zusammen, die wirklich zu dir passen. Wenn du deinen Job liebst, machen wir unseren richtig – und das seit 1984.
We are seeking a Project Engineer PSCAD (gn) for our client, a globally operating company across the entire energy value chain
Arbeitgeberleistungen / Unternehmensangebot
16. Permanent employment contract
17. Above-standards and reliable salary payment
18. Holidays and Christmas bonuses
19. Individual support from a permanent contact person
20. Long-term assignments in the customer company with takeover option
21. Premium payment "Employees recruit Employees"
So sieht Dein Arbeitsalltag aus
Your tasks:
22. Supervising the performance and project management facets of studies concentrated on the analysis of electrical power systems, network planning, and grid development.
23. Planning and executing analyses on electrical power systems, formulating network structures, simulating electrical power systems, and modeling diverse electrical network elements, encompassing power electronics.
24. Coordinating and aligning engineers from varied technical groups and virtual teams within a multicultural setting.
25. Incorporating power electronic devices, renewable generation, storage devices, etc., into AC grids through conceptual studies, feasibility studies, tender studies, and project execution.
26. Managing the coordination of external partners and subcontractors in project execution.
Was Dich für den Job auszeichnet
27. Master's degree in electrical power engineering from a university
28. Proficient knowledge in common power system simulation programs (e.g., PSS/E, PowerFactory, PSCAD/EMTDC)
29. Effective communication skills in both business-level English and German
30. Initiative, creativity, analytical and strategic thinking, teamwork, customer orientation, and working within intercultural teams define your preferred working environment.
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