Wer wir
UJAM erfindet Software zum Musik machen. Unter unseren Kund*innen finden sich die verschiedensten Menschen, von der Anfänger*in auf dem Smartphone bis zum Popstar im Multimillionen-Dollar-Studio.
Unsere Stärke setzt sich zusammen aus dem Technologie-Enthusiasmus des Silicon Valley, der Kreativkraft des internationalen Musik-Business und einer hanseatischen, wertschätzenden Vorstellung von Zusammenarbeit.
Unsere Werte orientieren sich am Menschen und seinen Bedürfnissen, deshalb arbeiten wir agil und selbstorganisiert.
Wir sind...
neugierig, erfindungsreich, leidenschaftlich, menschlich, hilfsbereit, freiheitsliebend, mutig, ermutigend und unbequem
Was wir
Unsere Stärke liegt in der Entwicklung anspruchsvoller Produkte im Spannungsfeld zwischen virtuellen Musikinstrumenten und Effekten (Plug-Ins), komplexen Web-Applikationen, neuartigen Lizenztechnologien (SDKs) und Cloudbasierten Lösungen (APIs). Unsere Endprodukte werden von Heimanwender*innen, professionellen Produzent*innen und Musiker*innen auf der ganzen Welt eingesetzt
As a Senior Web Engineer, you will be the central technical expert of our team. You'll actively contribute to the development of our web application, support the project manager in crafting detailed requirements, and drive the technical vision of our project forward. While coding is part of your role, your focus will also be on strategic and advisory tasks, ensuring adherence to best practices
* Technical Strategy & Vision
* You push your ideas forward and inspire yourself and others to do so.
* You are resourceful, persistent and resilient in pursuing your goals.
* You are willing to take risks and take responsibility.
* You can make decisions in critical situations with confidence, value an autonomous way of working, and appreciate your responsibility for our product.
Organizational Talent
* You work in a structured way.
* You keep calm and maintain clarity—also in chaotic situations.
* You help your teammates to work in a well-organized way.
Communication Skills
* Working with people is easy for you.
* You are sensitive to international exchange and cultural differences.
* You make sure that your decisions and actions are aligned with your colleagues.
Joy of Conflict
* It is in your nature to question the status quo.
* You express your opinion and defend it in sparring.
* You know what “agree to disagree” means and can apply it.
* Ideally, you are also interested in music.
* You actively follow technical trends and new developments.
* You are interested in people and their personal development.
* You are interested in modern organization forms and prefer to work in a constantly changing and adapting system rather than in a fixed structure with clearly defined hierarchies.
We'd like you to participate!
Details on Remote Working
Who We
UJAM invents software for music makers. Among our customers are a wide variety of people, from beginners on smartphones to pop stars in multi-million dollar studios.
Our strength is based on the technology enthusiasm of Silicon Valley, the creative power of the international music business and a “Hanseatic” appreciative idea of collaboration.
Our values are oriented towards people and their needs, which is why we work in an agile and self-organized manner.
We Are…
curious, inventive, passionate, humane, encouraging, helpful, freedom-loving, courageous and gritty
What We
Our strength lies in the development of sophisticated products in the area of virtual musical instruments and effects (plug-ins), complex web applications, innovative licensing technologies (SDKs) and cloud-based solutions (APIs). Our products are used by home users, professional producers and musicians around the world